So, I have seen increased reports for Out Of Sync Vandalism over the past few weeks. Recently, it happened to myself during a FFA. A player explicitly said he was going to crash the game should anyone attack him. Obviously, I started attacking him immediately. 5 seconds later, the game went Out Of Sync. There are reports on this on reddit and YouTube as well.
Presumably, someone found a way to tamper with the memory in CheatEngine or something, which makes the game go out of sync. This news will spread.
I’m aware the game devs don’t care about this game and want it to die a silent death. But if they don’t find and solve this issue, AoE3DE will turn into a wasteland akin to the last few years on Legacy, where every other player was using moesbar’s. The game is going to get completely vandalized.
This is a serious issue. Please fix this or the game will be dead in a very short time.