Outpost size is too small in my opinion (regular unit is much bigger next to the door of the outpost). It seems other structures are better scaled then the outpost.
I mean it is still a watchtower with a big range of sight, so it would be reasonable to make it a little bigger/taller. And it would still not mess the readability of the game.
Thank you.
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Stone outposts need to be more impactful than standard ones, increasing one requires increasing the other, which is already big
The scale in the game is already all over the place so no idea what you mean by the outpost being worse anyway
Look at some of the ridiculous LMs. That russian +50% hp keep is almost the size of a house.
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Scale is really still a big issue of AOE 4. It was just a suggestion to make it a little taller.
I was not talking about other scales which would could fill a own forum^^.
I absolutely agree, I also want to increase the scale of the buildings.
Agree. It is weird that they’ve made the conscious decision of making Outposts seemingly so pathetic in terms of size. And I’ll throw in another bone; not a fan of Dark Age stone towers that aren’t actually sturdier. It is visually and mechanically confusing that Abbasids and Ottoman have towers that have their edges rounded off when upgraded but don’t increase in size or complexity.

I get that we’re probably beyond making new models (considering that they CBA upgrading the base game at all), but could we just scale some buildings up already?
I saw the latest PUP change about Malians and had to laugh out loud. They are aware enough to scale down Malian’s mega landmarks, but never scale anything up to proper size. What is going on at this company exactly?