Papal lancer and Elmetto’s shield and sword

Maybe The papal lancer and elmetto need shield’s and sword rework,now it’s time devs has to get model,but I think not good to keep attacking with a knight lancer

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Whilst it would be nice for them to switch to a sword sidearm for ‘proper’ melee and stop using the lance, I think that would be better served if the unit only used the lance as a cooldown-style charge ability, which is gameplay-wise over-engineering this unit.

Historically shields were obsolete for the 16th century armoured rider depicted. He was clad in full plate armour which was the peak of armour development which some were arquebus-proof, until muskets/heavy arquebuses appeared.

Incidentally, he would probably be packing a pair of pistols or even an arquebus, rather than further defence.

(Long way around to say it’s fine as is)

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You guys might have points but its kind of nice that lancer type units use spears. From a visual and identifications point.


It’s called LANCER. Why do you want to take LANCE away from LANCER?