Paris Commune Revolution Idea

Currently France only has 4 revolutions, so the Paris Commune should be added for a 5th revolution for France.The Paris Commune was in 1871, so it fits the era of the game. It could be a revolution you can do after revolting to revolutionary France. If this happened, I was thinking revolutionary France could be a revolution option for age 3, while the Paris Commune would be for age 4 (revolutionary France could age up). This would be historically accurate because the French Revolution happened before France industrialized, while the Paris Commune was after. Historically after the French Revolution many more revolutions happened in France, so it would make sense if revolutionary France would have at least one revolution.

I haven’t thought about what types of cards the Paris Commune could have, but I was thinking they should be based around quickly defeating the enemy, for they only lasted a few months. Additionally, they definetely should have a card that turns some of the enemy villagers into hostile revolutionaries that attack the enemy. This is because the Paris Commune inspired many socialist revolutions, like the Russian revolution for example, so it would make sense for them to cause mini uprisings in their enemies territory.

What would you think about the Paris Commune being added to AoE3 for Microsoft developers

I suppose that rather than a revolution, it would be a kind of alternative path to the French Revolution? I like the idea, perhaps it could be a more economical path, similar to South Africa to act as a contrast to the Napoleonic revolution, which is mainly a military :smile:

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Converting Enemy villagers is broken as hell in supremacy.


Give the French (and Italy) the Republic of Corsia as a revolution.

The Corsicans rebelled and revolted against the French and although the rebellion was subdued, they would work well as a Rev civ. Emphasis could be on Guerlla units, stealth and sabotage.


France had quite a lot of regime changes, from monarchy to republic, and empire. This could be represented in the game by a mechanism enabling regime changes with different boni.

It does not make much sense to implement the commune-de-Paris in a game about conquest and colonisation (it only took place in one city, Paris). At the end, nobody really care about this 2-month small rebellion.
It’s really just a symbol for far left activists…


yeah, the eonomically iliterates beeing the economic competent revolution for the french?

Yeah, it goes too far down the rabbit hole of minor rebellions and new revolutions from them.


I proposed it solely from a gameplay point of view, I don’t know the historical characteristics of this Revolution.