Yes I think standardizing unit poses according to their functions should be the next move.
Gunpowder skirmishers are a mess now.
Maybe also need some differentiation between heavy inf and shock inf that use sword and shield.
Yes I think standardizing unit poses according to their functions should be the next move.
Gunpowder skirmishers are a mess now.
Maybe also need some differentiation between heavy inf and shock inf that use sword and shield.
J’ai vu hier soir, ça change de la plupart des icônes utilisés par les Européens et d’autres civs.
More flavor is definitely good!
The Spanish unction card has also a new icon
Peru reskin only? no new stuff? Man. they still getting NTRed
A little wierd but ok. I sure would like to know the reason for that. @EliteRiflemann
Also , a littel obvious one but missing in patch note :
To follow the tradition of “if a unit actually plays very differently from the same unit of other civs, it gets a unique name and model” I guess.
And the Indian villager already have a unique model. So it just gets a new name.
@Osprey23103109 What do you think about this change?
They are not allowed to slaughter cows.
This name change makes this gameplay mechanic more obvious.
BagDad Jannisaries. Some consulate dude got renames
How will the competitive scene ever grow with such confusing changes?
And they cost wood instead of food.
Game is free. New players can get used to it more than Veteran players.
I didn’t know Hindus eat trees.
I know Dutch people exclusively eat coins and tulips.
Il faut donc en conclure que les vils Ottomans n’ont pas de problème de famine vu qu’ils ne mangent rien :o
Maltese hospital has a new icon in game as well I think.
The Ottoman scout changed his voice.
Hate it…
I wish they would stop making India a Hindu civ. Indian civilians are not just hindu by religion. Heck the AI personality is Muslim.
Could have renamed it to Indian villager, but no, they went with “Hindu”…
Yikes, well maybe you should propose a name change to the devs, so they can be given the right name.