PC Graphics issue.

So I installed it and played a match with my buddy with ZERO problems. Got off the game and went back on 2 hours later… And this is what I got. Did a complete uninstall of the game and even deleted the folder from steam. Nothing. Verified the files. Nothing. Tweaked the video settings. Nothing!

Has anyone had this same issue before? If so, how do I go about fixing it.

Thank you.

What is the issue? The filters area glitches? I’ve never seen that in any area of the game. Your graphics drivers are up-to-date? I don’t play Ranked, so apologize for not knowing the issue exactly

Yes even in game. It’s glitchy and doesn’t show much of the resources. The drivers are up to date.

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may i ask what gpu is this on? never seen anything like this

It’s a 4070 super. Like I said, I’ve been playing this game since April with the same GPU. Zero issues now all of a sudden it’s happening. But only on this game.

did you try going to prior driver version?

Do you have any mods enabled? If so, I’d try disabling them. It’s like your dropdown menus are getting twisted, spinning around an axis, or getting scrunched down more and more to fit into an incorrect icon or something. Odd

Strange that your checkboxes have 3D triangle icons instead of checkmarks, too. For me, that icon is used in scrollbars, like next to Connection Quality:

My checkboxes look like this:

Does it happen on all MP tabs? And in the single-player area, are your drop-down menus messed up there, too?

No mods enabled. I don’t mess with them. This happens during single player as well. Yeah mine looks nothing like yours sadly. I’ve reinstalled my Nvidia driver as well. It’s all glitched out. In game it’s even worse… I can’t even see the build menu because it’s so glitched out.

Might be a good one to post in bug report section of forum then and/or check the official support page for the game

Do you have the Enhanced Graphics Pack installed and enabled? Maybe try disabling that if so, but I doubt that would be the cause. I thought it was just for the graphics while in matches. That graphics pack is only meant for 4K monitors, by the way, fwiw.

  • In Steam, right-mouse the game, click Properties, and check the DLC tab. I have Enhanced Graphics Pack disabled because I don’t have 4K

That was the culprit!! It is now fixed! Thank you so much!!

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Sweet!! You’re very welcome!