People more concerned about balance changes than the actual state of the game

This includes the broken rating system from the release, like mentioned in Analyses of the ratings - Spotting the issues ?

The lobby was never a good system in my opinion when playing at HD or Voobly. Ranked is a superior system, but also has it flaws, which should be fixed. Improving ranked will make the lobby even more obsolete and there is nothing wrong with that.

I had wished the devs ignored thiese suggestions. Most of them are from noobs, but still make it into the game, while they devs dont really spend resources in fixing the real issues in the game. I would really love to see more focus on the list of issues you named, instead on things like balance and new civs. Balance in the past was never as good as in recent years. Yes, there are flaws, but they also exist in the past and no one really cared.

More focus on the real issue is really needed.

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