People with not many ranked games played

Team Elo seems kinda broken.

See also:

Ashame no respons from the devs, so we dont really know the issue.

One of the issues is teamed teams vs random teams. The teamed teams is just a group of friends with good communication. The random team is just a group of random players without any communication. I came across many playesr who just dont communicate something. Wish glhf? No response. Ask for strategy? No respons. This is killing the team games ladder to me. It seems like you can only have good games if you join the queue as team. It is the reason i almost only play 1v1s.

You can found 2k team game players, who are pretty bad at the game and wont even be 1k at 1v1 ladder. They are just carried by other players (=friends) in their games, This kind of things make team game rating pretty unreiable.