Persians should get new Castle

Hindustanis also got a new one when they received rework. Also Persians get the Citadels tech which needs to look something cooler than a normal castle.


Indeed they should. Maybe comment this on the CA architecture set for Persians thread.


I mean all civs need unique castles IMO


Or at least put some guns and cannons stick out of the windows after research the UT. Like a bombard tower but castle


Well, Hindustanis had a unique Castle before, because they were the only South Asian civ. Their Castle also went to Dravidians, so that in total, the devs did not create more new unique Castle graphics than new civs.

But I would fully support your wish. They could simply introduce one unique Castle graphic for an existing civ with every DLC or bigger patch. Else, I don’t really know how they want to reach a state where every civ has a unique Castle. (I am not going to pay just for skins!)

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Didn’t think this post is going to get so much support.

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