Petition to have a campaign for each civilization

Yes, all or the great majority of the civs of aoe 3 had campaigns or presence in the campaigns: Morgan Black (Ottomans, Spanish and Germans), John Black (Germans, French, British and Russians in the final mission) and Amelia Black (Americans-reskin of the British, Mexican-reskin of the Spanish and Germans again)… then you have the Haudenosaunee and Lakotas in their respective campaigns of The Warchiefs and then the Asian civs also have their respective campaigns in TAD…the Aztecs are antagonists in the Chinese campaign alongside the Japanese and Indians… the only civs that do not appear in the campaigns are the Portuguese and the Dutch, and as you say the Portuguese have their historical battle, the Dutch have not yet… then you have the Incas and the Swedes who also do not have their respective historical battles, and then all the civs that came out later (USA, Hausa, Ethiopians and Mexicans) have it…

For the Incas they could put the battle of the Maule in 1485 against the Mapuche or vice versa, and for the Swedes they can put the Battle of Lützen in 1632 between Gustavus Adolfus and the imperial troops of Wallenstein…

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