Petition to Reconsider the Canceled DLC for Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition

Then we must soldier on and wage the war. Your pessimism is warranted; but if we believe in this game and community we must fight the studio with every tool in our shed.


World’s Edge management was very active in Discord yesterday. They are aware of how angry community is after their announcement:

KEEP PUSHING! Be visible in social media, write comments, sign petition, ask your friends to sign. There is still hope.


Keep pushing, but at the same time, keep in mind that its very likely that it will take a good amount of time to have anything more than promises. For example, when they rmeoved ranked DM in AOE2, there was a “huger than expected” backlash and still it took 8 months, IIRC, to get ranked DM back in the form of lobbies, even though one of WE employees being a top DMer.
Honestly, I dont wait for anything for this year, but, maybe, promises that AOE3 will get some work back in the “right time”.


Forgive my ignorance, what does it mean?


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We’ve been getting this kind of nonsense for more than a year already. I don’t think they are sincere. But we should still keep pushing.


3007 - still better and better :+1:

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I’d have preferred no announcements than a cancellation. I’d wait weeks, months, even years for good quality content, but I’d be enough satisfied if they release a big bugfix patch, which, for example, complete translations with content they can take from the original edition, such as translated audio for final cutscenes in campaigns, or translated “Act” screens, or “Ka:nien” not said “Kanyenke” and so on. Some of these fixes are a matter of minutes, and they didn’t apply them, even if the needed material is already available.
Or, why not doing something similar to “Victors and Vanquished”, where some content has been taken from community and “officialized”?
But I’d bet they’ll do nothing and delete this post


Almost 4000 - very nice :+1:


I’m reading this to me worried because you all are pushing your hope too much, because I felt it, it’s not going to happen because it’s going to cause us trouble because of anger and disappointment.

But I hope I’m wrong. Because I’m just being unexpected. Always.

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It’s fair to feel like that.

For me, I don’t think there’s any harm in petitions or having hope that WE may reconsider. I think most folks here know it’s probably not sunshine and rainbows but we’ve got nothing to lose.

I’m not resting a lot of hope in it however my mindset is we all need to create noise and reiterate the absolute dumpster fire of WE dropped among an active community.