Petition to Reconsider the Canceled DLC for Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition

Petition to Reconsider the Canceled DLC for Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition
To the Age of Empires Team and Microsoft,

We, the devoted community of Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition, are writing to express our deep disappointment over the cancellation of the planned DLC for our beloved game. While we understand that development decisions are complex, this news has left us feeling overlooked—especially as other titles in the franchise continue to receive updates and support.

Age of Empires III holds a unique and special place in the hearts of its players. Though it may not always receive the same attention as other entries in the series, its community is just as passionate and dedicated. The announcement of new DLC last year was a beacon of hope for us, reigniting our excitement and reminding us why we’ve stayed loyal to this game for so long.

It’s difficult not to feel sidelined when games like Age of Empires II and IV regularly receive updates, and even Age of Mythology is being revitalized with the upcoming Retold edition. While we’re thrilled for the success of the broader franchise, the cancellation of content for AoE III: DE feels like a dismissal of the vibrant community that has kept this game alive for years.

We respectfully urge you to reconsider this decision. New DLC or even smaller updates would:

Reignite Passion: Fresh content would bring players back to the game, rekindling the excitement and love we have for AoE III.
Strengthen Community Trust: It would show that every title in the franchise and its community is valued equally.
Extend the Game’s Lifespan: New civilizations, campaigns, or maps would attract new players and give veterans new challenges to enjoy.
We’re not asking for the impossible.

The Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition community has stood by this game since its launch, supporting it through patches, updates, and even creating incredible mods to enhance the experience. We’ve proven our dedication time and time again, and we believe the game still has so much potential.

We love this franchise, and we only want Age of Empires III to receive the same love and attention that it has given us for nearly two decades. Please consider our plea, and let’s work together to ensure this unique and cherished entry in the series continues to thrive.

With gratitude and hope,
The Age of Empires III Community


consider sign it, please <3
much love !


You know they don’t actually care right?


lets go guys ! we are almost at 500 <3


Now almost 750. Ehhh maybe there’s a small chance with more and more votes here.

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You want to FORCE them to do what you want. Even if you succeed, what then? Don’t you understand that forcing them won’t solve the problem. You’ll just make them suffer a little, but the game will still be dead.

They promised the players and gave hope, but they turned out to be cynical. Let them subcontract it. If a lot of people buy it and the subcontractor does a good job, maybe something will change. For now, we need to show the will of a sufficient number of people.


Any way to make them suffer a lot?

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I’m not signing. I know. Hate away.


  1. It’s clear this team is not capable of delivering high quality content of this nature. They’ve had a year and a half to work on this project and made precisely no progress. They don’t have new innovative ideas to add. They don’t have the passion to bring this project through. They dumped it and I don’t want a team that feels that way about a project being asked to pick it back up. They’ll do a sloppy job with it and produce mediocre results. I don’t want mediocre becoming in-game canon.
  2. It’s clear this team has no intention of supporting the game further. If they release new civs, they have to bug fix and balance them. This team wants to wrap this game up with a bow and move on. The last thing they should do is drop two new civs in the mix and then walk away. The result would be worse than had they done nothing at all.

If another team wants to take over, I’d be open to that, but not this team. Never again with this team that doesn’t communicate, overpromises, misses deadlines, under-delivers, and tries to skate away by hiding behind corporate doublespeak or radio silence. Honestly, I don’t want them on AoM:R either because they’ll treat it with the same callous disregard.


Attack their favorite aoe2


It’s all over, let the knights celebrate the death of this game!

Piensa que una “petición” va cambiar el esquema laboral codicioso de una empresa que explota la nostalgia de sus compradores JAJAJJA

Signed :muscle: :de:
let’s hope they reconsider.


This. And I suspect that they already factored into their calculations that there would be a severe backlash and an appeal for reconsideration.

They ran the numbers, modeled the outcomes. I’m sure this is where the funding and resources are going, towards running this data and getting PR consultants to forecast this eventuality. They already figured that while there would be an uproar, the PR fallout is survivable.

As much as I’d love to see a message that says: “Wow guys, we didn’t know you’d be that dedicated fans! We’ve reconsidered and want to go back to designing this DLC and renewing support for the game. Thanks for standing up for what you love.” — I doubt it’ll ever happen.


Signed… (omg 20 chars needed to show support for this essential move!)

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Almost 2500. Good start.


I wonder if, for example, 5,000 votes would change anything in the long run. Maybe there’s a chance.

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I wonder if having a locked-in-stone pre-order petition for the DLC would help get it created. I.e., all petition signers give $10 that will go toward its creation. That would be more meaningful than several signatures, where each signer may or may not buy the DLC once its released

Or, maybe the dev should make a Kickstarter campaign where the DLC is funded by those who want it. The funds get locked in if the target goal is reached and the dev makes it.

I think the latter might work


KEEP PUSHING! Get people to sign! World’s Edge Leadership is starting to take notice


I’ve seen too many statements over the years from WE CMs that read just like that to muster even a tiny sliver of hope. I’m sorry. Three months from now the majority of people will have moved on and WE will be rolling along as if nothing happened. There’s a club and we ain’t invited.

It was only because our devs were talented enough to take the shoestring budget they were given that we got the support we did in spite of WE’s disdain for the game and community. They never viewed 3DE as part of the franchise.

Reputation? WE aren’t concerned about that for a game they had contempt for from the very beginning and had a stigma attached to it long before they got their money-grubbing hands on it. A stigma btw, that they gladly doubled down on.

We’ve seen plenty of non-3DE Age players gloat that our demise might mean their game will have increased support going forward. It was our war and only our war.

Excuse my pessimism but I have good reason for it. I do hope that I’m wrong but again, there are years worth of evidence to justify said pessimism.