Petsuchos, Man O War and Son of Osiris lost 30% of their firepower

Game Version: 2.8


Petsuchos, Man O War and Son of Osiris fire less frequently in EE compared to the original version. They have an 1 second long siesta after every shot in EE, in the CD version they fire again immediately.

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Pick a Petsuchos in the editor in EE and destroy an enemy building. Watch the clock, record the time result.
  2. Do the same in the CD version.
  3. Compare the time results. In EE it takes them about 42% more time to destroy the same building, it’s equivalent with a 30% attack drop.
  4. Do the same with a Man O War and Son of Osiris.


Petsuchos, Man O War and Son of Osiris change target after every third shots

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Pick a Petsuchos in editor in EE, where there are two enemy buildings in it’s LOS, one of them is closer to Petsuchos. Order the Petsuchos to attack the building, which is farther. After 3 shots, it will change target and start to attack the closer building.
  2. Do the same in the CD version. Petsuchos will keep firing the original target.
  3. Do the same with a Man O War and Son of Osiris.

If you like the units above, you can cry. Their code has been destroyed.

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