Players get stars for advancing ages even though they didn't even advance

Game Version:

  • Build 101.101.34055.0.4495784
  • Platform: Steam


When you play a game where your starting age isn’t the Dark Age, at the end of the game you will get rewarded with a star in the time that you took to advance to X age when you didn’t even advance to X age in first place.


I got a similar issue in a single player game


Well it’s worse than I thought! It’s just completely broken, thanks for posting a screenshot.


Game Version:

  • Build 34.055
  • Platform steam


i finished an unranked ffa game and at the end every player has start in their name in game statistics in technology tab

Reproduction Steps:

  1. play and unranked ffa game (no team for players)

attachment explain all

1 Like

After Dec 17 Patch. See Screenshot


The Stat page is showing stars for all the players.

They should give MVP to every player to balance it out.

Just accept it Fenrir. My 11:24 Feudal was as fast as you 09:58…
MVP is right, though :slight_smile:


Keep your MVP… Give me my feudal time star :face_with_head_bandage:

I saw same problem today, FYI.

Game Version:

  • Version: 101.101.34223.0 4509956
  • Platform: Steam

Same as topic.
I played 2 BlackForest 4vs4 Games on lobby and found both of them.

(I have an extra image but new user cannot upload 2 or more images… :pensive:

I have been having a strange bug in stats that shows all player advance times with stars. Every player has a star next to each of advance time, but the times themselves are correct. This has only happened to me twice, right in a row, and I did not have this occur before today. It also is only in a standard game so far. I will update if it persists in standard and multiplayer.

I just got the same issue, too.

Game Version:

  • Build 34223
  • Platform Steam


Post-game screen “Technology” tab shows “Best Score” icons for every player in multiple columns. Players all advanced through the ages.

(Note: The title of this thread is misleading for the issue I describe, but I’m posting here anyways because a number of threads/posts that describe this Tech Tab issue got merged here. I almost posted a new thread because I couldn’t find anything at first. Everyone seems to say, “Stars” in their bug report, but I was searching for what the icon actually means: “Best Score”. Fortunately, I searched for “stars” on a whim and found some entries. Oh well.

PS: Just noticed in this screenshot that the stars aren’t lined-up as best as they could be either. Might need to be shifted up a handful of pixels vertically to center on their data point better, and moved to the right a bit more to be closer to the column they apply to (or columns made wider so they don’t lean moreso toward (or touch) the data on their left than the right). I won’t search for or post a new bug report for this; won’t be heartbroken if it isn’t fixed; it’s minimal; and I need to go. I don’t think it’s healthy to spend 45 unpaid minutes searching for a bug, connecting the dots of moved threads, and reporting on one bug :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Play a game
  2. Look at post-game stats screen “Technology” tab