Players in Oceania region - I need nearby friends so I can avoid excessive ping

Is anyone here from Australia, New Zealand or Asia? I have bad experiences with most multiplayer games, so I am hesitant to try AoE IV online.

In most games (outside of free-to-play) there are no “servers”, I am usually connecting to some 14 year old kid’s house and his mom’s decades old modem. Because of this I get very high ping, probably 500 to 1000 ping (but most games do not show ping to the host and prefer to hide this)

So far only War Thunder is honest enough to show an actual ping reading for their dedicated servers (they have actual servers in a datacentre with near 99.00% uptime) but every game outside of f2p is hit-and-miss. I receive constant warning popups about my fibre broadband being slow, even with a brand new TP-Link Archer modem that cost $160 USD.

Games are usually unplayable for me so I am looking for friends in the region of Australia and New Zealand. I beat the AoE IV campaigns on intermediate difficulty and if I am to play the game again, it seems that multiplayer is the main feature.

It must suck for gaming being in australia or NZ, probably hard to get great connection and you’ll be matched with the chinese all the time.

Good luck in your search.

Hi, I’m in AU, please send me a message. Platinum level Mongol, gold level Mali and Dehli.

@BboySlug I forgot to mention that I’m on Xbox and there is no cross-play with PC right?

I play from NZ, never really had any ping issues, tends to be alot of asian players to pair with, plus its at least somewhat popular in Aussie

@Kronos8982 great to hear, I think the main battle will be my internet connection which I share with 10 other tenants (no ethernet) sometimes it drops completely and takes 1 minute to reconnect, which happens a few times per week :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

There is cross play, however I’ve heard on Xbox if you’re going to get really good at the game you’re much more limited as the PC is just a better platform to control the game from.

@BboySlug considering that I can plug a mouse and keyboard into my xbox, I’d say there’s not much disadvantage. There is a selection bug that happens with the selection box, and I also heard you have to press the ‘b’ hotkey before pressing ‘q’ for a house or other structure. Apart from that I think it’s the same game, is it not?

@MuscleChad We can give it a try, send me a PM