Playing on the home ground is just too big of an advantage! Playing French vs United States on France

Playing on the home ground is just too big of an advantage! Playing French vs United States on France


Try ottomans on anatolia

Well, I think most of the home civs play better on home grounds, India on Deccan/Himalayas etc, Sweden on Nordic maps and so on…

It’s just a joke about sports clubs playing home or away games, but that’s interesting if the unique mechanics tend to let aoe civs favour playing on maps based on their actual locations.

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So ill do this just for the Civs that have maps in Standard Pool. Disclaimer: Data is from 1100+ elo games over the last 5 months. only games over 5 mins are counted, and under 100 elo difference in players. More data is needed for better results.
For Aztecs, Mexico would be their closest map to their home Range. Not in their top or bottom five (win rate 54.46%, 16th best map of 46, with an average of 125 games each map).

Ethiopians closest map would be Sudd. A middling map, 17th worst (44.57%, average 80 games each map). They do better with Cows.

Germanys home map would be Saxony. Just missing out with their 7th best (50.73%, average of 350 games each map)

Lakotas best map is not Great Plains, Based on about 150 games per 46 maps ( great plains win rate 49.66%)

Mexicos best map is not mexico, Mexico is one of their worst (44.22% win rate, 200 games each map).

Ironic, Anatolia is Ottos Worst maps (47.7% win rate with 450 games)

Ports are better then average on Portugal (50.34%, average games 125)

Scandinavia isan ok map for sweden (55.68%, 225 games on average)