Please Add Free Play

So I just finished the Temujin scenario in V&V.

Trying to be non-spoliery for those who’d care not to be spoiled, midway through the scenario you’re given two objectives, and completing either wins you the scenario.

In a normal scenario that’d be the end of it.

But in this scenario, completing the objective starts “free play”. Basically it unlocks a tech you research to win the game, but functionally you’ve won the scenario, but you can continue playing, finishing up the other objectives if you so choose.

The implementation is kinda janky, but I don’t know how many times, I wish I could continue playing a scenario, cause there was still fun stuff to do, but I’d already won.


Glad you liked the feature! The following scenarios in Victors & Vanquished feature Free Play:



This scenario is very exciting but tedious…

I like the fact, that before the Pescheneg attack occurs, you have to flee to the northwest. And a possible way to do this, is to pass the two lakes with your units and ox wagons. For this journey you can use the existing transport ships. Then your villagers can build up the homebase next to the Byzantines. It is also good, that the Peschenegs do not know the only way over the mountains :rofl: With enough troops you can after march against the Peschengs in the east, although you will at this time no more any allies…

However, be prepared for a later attack by the Byzantines, which will happen, as soon as you decide, to build a town center. You should not do that, but rather march to the southwest with sufficient forces and attack the Muslim village there. If you win, you can take over this village and as a reward, you will promoted to the Imperial age. Then you build up further your forces and march against the Byzantines. But be careful, build castles too, because at the end of the scenario, there will be another attack by bigger forces of Mongols from the east.

The holy women in the enemy villages in the south of the map, who convert to your civ as villagers, after they are killed, is also a new feature, which makes fun. However, you have to protect these women afterwards. Therefore you shall attack with a sufficient number of troops, otherwise these women will be killed again by their former masters…

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I love it, I have been asking for it from the first time I played an scenario with Free Play.

Thank you.

Hopefully, you guys can make it a standard feature in all Campaigns and scenarios.

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Such feature would have been great for Rajendra 3, as I otherwise needed planning my timing well to get the achievement (knocking them all out meant exceeding 10 victory points so I only had a few seconds to deal the final blow between the remaining enemies, after the first of the bunch, lest the scenario ends).

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Any chance of it being added in future campaigns, like for example the new 3 campaigns of the next civ DLC? Or old campaigns if they get a rework, like Dracula if Romanians are to be added in AoE2?

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