Indians are basically unplayable in treaty mode, and they also get weak in supremacy when it comes to a very very prolonged game. Following reasons contribute to this fact:
- slow military unit training speed, especially for infantry. They do have fencing school and cavalry school cards, but they lack church techs compared to Europeans, which makes sepoys and gorkhas very slow to train. Cavalry training speed is buffed by temple techs, which is just OK.
- inefficient units in late game. The stats of sepoys and gorkhas are not bad, but still not on the top tier (e.g. compared with ashigarus or casadors). Mahouts may have good stats but they are too cumbersome in some way and not so difficult to deal with. Howdahs tend to waste a great portion of damage when several howdahs shoot one unit. Sowars are completely useless in late game which i simply dont want to waste a word to further comment them. Zamburaks are the units having a slightly higher cost than ruyters and a slightly lower stats, but you have to use them in some circumstances. Siege elephants are basically pretty good for siege and anti-canon in supremacy, but in treaty they are no match for culverins. And anti-infantry canons are not so viable for Indians.
- NOT very good eco in late game. The productivity of Indians in late game or treaty is slightly lower than a standard European civ, such as Spanish. Note that Indians lack refrigeration card and 2 factories, and karni mata just buff the gather rate in accordance with BASE STAT. They do have fur trade which make them not so poor in the beginning of the treaty fight, but this is not as good as French or Iroquis since they dont have refrigeration.
My advice:
- New options for consulate ottoman allies. A mosque will be decent, and the relevant temple tech may be redesigned. It can be expensive like the livestock pen for Japanese, to make supremacy games are not affected.
- Buff the karni mata to make it work in accordance with CURRENT STAT (the change means little in supremacy since the current gather rate is not so far from the base level in supremacy). the sacred field may unlock new ability in late game to generate a considerable flow of resources in late game.
- Buff the performance of some units in late game, which i temporarily dont have a very nice idea…