Please Do Something About Toxic Mass Gats

This is a cheese strat, me having to do god-tier culverin micro to beat this is not fun. Gats are too cheap and move too fast. This needs to be fixed. People say “Kill them in the early game”, why should I have to rush a civ to avoid bad balancing from the devs???


They have already been overnerfed with getting a worse cav multiplier and moving coffee mill guns to age 4, totally unnecessary nerfs due to whining.

The gatling gets 1 shot by a culv, how can it even be made any weaker? I did not realize that clicking 1 culv and clicking 1 gatling is regarded as god tier micro. This whining about gatling is only ever done by people who do not want to make a culverin and just rush infantry into the face of 10 gatling guns then complain about it.


When its comes to mass gats its better to just use mass horse art then to use culv because of there lower range and lower health and they tend to stick close to each other that the splash damage really helps more. then to more range/bonus damage with culvs with a lower rate of fire with a higher chance to over kill. (This running on the assumption that if your using culvs that also means you have horse art).

Gats are more resource-efficient and pop-efficient than Horse Artillery. I am not saying that Horse Artillery costs more and is more pop, I am saying that you get more value for each resource and pop you spend on a Gattling Gun.

Gats got nerfed into the ground vs heavy cav so they’re fine now. But Organ Guns are now an even stronger version since they screwed around with the Grapeshot card.

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Sucks they removed target lock from the organ gun.


They’re still busted without it.


The machine guns are balanced now. The ribaudkin is the one that is broken now.

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So true (I beat Lakota building just them)

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