The byzantines’ Dromon is the worst naval unit of the game by far, and is out of the paper/rock/scissor mechanic of navy.
The problem here is that it’s a melee ship, so it can’t actually counter galleys since it would be obliterated by demo ships without firing a single shot.
I think byzantines should have the springald ship in the roster.
The Dromon on the other hand should:
- be a 4th type of military ship, effective vs all ships but vulnerable to demos
- OR replace the demo ship as a counter to springald ships, dealing less burst damage cause it wouldn’t suicide itself
What do you think?
Interestingly, I suggested something similar in another thread I created.
(New Naval Units [Suggestion]: Boarding Ships (II) and War Galleys (IV) )
My solution was to make a new type of ship:
Boarding Ship, to replace the Demolition Ship’s function in Feudal Age. It would attack with boarding soldiers (yellow ghost animation, the kind that come out during construction or setting up the siege) from close range to other ships. It would be weak to arrow ships (attack crew) and explosive ships.
The Dromon would then be the replacement for the Byzantine boarding ship, which attacks up close with greek fire.
That idea is also interesting and even cool.
The only downside is that the role of “Exploding” ground units that are careless enough to be near an explosive ship would be lost. That’s why I suggested the boarding ship.
i would really like a board ship too
I feel like they need to make a major overhaul of the naval system if they are going to introduce boarding ships, as that would require a new counter, new animations, and, of course, balance changes for all the civilizations in the game.
I agree, though—it would be cool if done properly.
As for the Dromon, I agree that it feels underpowered and doesn’t really have a place in the game, as it is easily countered.
I hate to burst your bubble but naval warfare in AOE4 was never meant to be taken seriously. You’ll notice the Ottoman war galley which makes units cant even unload them - which makes your little complaint nothing in comparson.