Please let quick match add more than 2 teams, such as 1v1v1v1

Please let quick match add more than 2 teams, such as 1v1v1v1.
I have figured out how the selection box would be designed.
1 team of 1 player for 8/7/6/5/4/3/2 players.
1 team of 2 players for a total of 8/6/4 players.
Always use the max 8 player map.

I thought you could already do this in custom games?

He’s talking about quick match. As it is now, you need to know 7 other people to do a 8 man FFA or 2v2v2v2.

Oh, well that’s probably never going to happen. We won’t be able to have every wacky mode in the matchmaker.