I think a lot of people here need to be reminded that we already have 39 amazing civs in the game, each that are very unique and cover every single continent of the globe, save Antarctica, of the Medieval period.
Just because there were some like 500 separate human civilizations living in the medieval period, does not mean that we should turn Age of Empires 2 into the “United Nations medieval videogame”. Age2 already does a solid job in representing the medieval world.
Think of it this way:
→ When Age of Kings was first released, it only had 13 civs. There were no America civs, and only a few East Asian civs were present, and Europe still lacked Spanish, Portuguese, Italians, and Slavs. The Fredrick Barbarossa campaign even had to “make up” the “Italians” in Missions 3 and 4.
→ But when Age of Conquerors were released, Europe become more complete in representation, East Asia gained Koreans and the Meso-American civs Aztecs and Mayans were added!
→ Forgotten Empires added “Eastern Europe” civs Slavs and Magyars finally complete Europe (more or less) and Italians and Indians to represent the Subcontinent.
→ African Kingdoms also added African representation in Mailians and Ethiopians. Added Portuguese, further completing Europe, and Berbers, completing representation of the Arab-speaking world.
→ Rise of the Rajas brought in yet another wonderful corner of the world: Southeastern Asia, with new architecture design, another Elephant unit and more variety to the table of Age 2.
→ The Last Khans pretty much wrapped up all of Asia by filling in “Central Asian” civs Tartars and Cumans. Throwing in Bulgarians was good, especially as their arch-nemesis, the Byzantines, was among the first civs of Age2. And the addiiton of Lithuanians, more completed Eastern Europe.
And while *Dukes of the West" adds more European civs, it is only a DLC, and is completely optional for all players. Without them, one can safely regard Burgundians as “Franks” and Sicilians as “Italians”, given that Franks and Italians are already in the game.
Can we have a few more civs in Age2? Of course we can! I personally would not mind see a few more added. But I stress to you all that this is NOT a game that is designed to be a “Category of ALL peoples who lived in the Medieval era”. Even other prominent video game franchises with medievalism as a theme, like the Sid Meier’s Civilization 6 and Creative Assembly’s TOTAL WAR franchise does not cover every. single. civilization.
Videogames are out to make money…not become history documentaries. …and I say this as a historian who LOVES to watch documentaries and read up on ancient forgotten empires and cultures.