Pol for the last 9 civs devs should introduce into the game

Thats not true. Thats why.

Bulgars=/=Bulgarians. Bulgars are Turkic and Bulgarians are Slavic

India has a larger population than the entirety of Europe at the time and is much larger than Eastern Europe. And Bulgarians are a Balkan civ.

I also only want 3 including the curent one. 5-6 would be nice but isnt necesary


no offence but urs not true look:

bulgars = turk
bulgarians in medievil = turk + slavic influence
bulgarians after end of middle age: slavic with turks mix

slavs were tolerated bulgars all militars took em in and adopted customs of eahc other

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In one of the polls I made where roughly 250 people answered, North America was top-scoring.

I hope the devs won’t forget that region too.


The oposite actually. Pretty sure the Slavs was the far majority

In fact I think the best way of call Bulgarians is Slavs with minor Turkic influence that becomes smaller over time


i talk to myslef? how can be " MINOR turkic influence" when bulgars was turkic who conquered this land??

Im talking about the culture

i talk about everyhting

A civilization is nothing without a culture. A culture is the first thing to take into account, its the defining thing that makes a civilization diferent to other


i woulda voted NA nativs if they could have castles instead of tents


for u not for me + this is war game

Thats a dumb excuse that doesnt make any sense in a game based on civilizations.


have a good night this is not worth me time

Its a war game but the way teh civs are divided is based on culture

Thats what I mean


It’s interesting how that parallels the Franks and French:

Franks were a Germanic people who conquered Gallo-Roman territory. They became the new ruling class and gave their name to the territory, but over time became linguistically assimilated into the majority romance-speaking Gallo-Romans. So the name Frank/French moved over from Germanic to Romance.

In Bulgaria the same thing happened with the Turkic-speaking conquerors and majority Slavic population.


Bulgars would have been a better name for the civ imo


EXACTLY i agree firsz time with u

Not that we wouldn’t already have tents civs with Mongols, Cumans and Huns.


so cuz they made mistakes is reason to commit more? those castles look sketchy

What mistakes? You call including Mongols, Cumans and Huns a mistake, Mongols, a base game civ with the biggest empire in world history?


at least mongols conquered chinese castles and too importent

americas not remotely strong