If we really are only getting 9 more civs then yes, we don’t need anymore Europe ones at all. If 9 left is a false flag then yeah, we can have more but only after other areas get love
no we miss some europeans civs
Not any that are in the top 9 of top missing civs
I don’t remember seeing him ever reference to any religious belief he might hold.
Thank you good sir. You seem to be a visionary amungst men.
Anyways let’s get back to talking about civs and not about each other. I don’t want this thread to be locked again lol.
Have we any ETA on when the announcement for DoTD will drop?
almost certainly it will come this month
release next month
If they follow the same schedule as with the Lords of the West, I expect an announcement in mid June and a release in late July.
yes itr was swiss and serbias TOP9 votes
You don’t want the game to get continued support for 5 years?
Well, 5 years feels like forever so saying we dont need more Euro civs feels somewhat accurate
Those civs arent really long lived and not that powerful compared to the other civs missing
It matters most what civs the community wants, not their size or duration.
That’s just your personal opinion.
I disagree. The size and duration matters more than how popular they are to a point. Otherwise we would still have to get a Dutch and Crusader civ
I mean, a lot can change in 5 years lol
By then we can reevaluate if we need more Euro civs
We will have probably have reevaluated
Dutch are represented by Burgundians, Crusaders weren’t a civilization
I don’t think people thought that the game would go 5 years back in 1999, much less 20+ years. I have no doubt that this game could go another 5 years if they keep releasing DLCs. DLCs=money, money=continued support, continued support=Aoe2 forever (hopefully)
The closest we have to Crusaders as a civ is Sicilians (literally with their First Crusade UT as well as their campaign) and Teutons.
Even without any new DLCs, I’ll keep playing AOE2, though new DLCs would be nice
Of course but new DLCs are always nice.
Well, those ideas are still really really popular in the community. I dont think they are good (I hate the idea of an crusader civ), but they are popular for sure
Yeah but by then I think we will be able to reevaluate what we want from the new content