Poll about which area of the world the playerbase wants more civs from

Maybe hes talking about the Guaranis or Diaguitas but those are still a bit weird.


No he is really talking about Argentinians. Either he is joking or he is argentinian himself

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Ah, he wants them cos of Nicov and Daut

Otherwise Argentina has nothing to do in a medieval gamr

Either way as an Argentinian I can ratify that we shouldnt we part of the conversation unless talking about the Araucans who are mostly Chileans


yup i want teh same just no more amerixans


It seems to me that people want more European civs mainly because the Middle Ages are associated with Europe - a great number of people. People interested in the Middle Ages are most often interested in the history of Western Europe. Most people will want Venetians, Aragonese, Georgians and Serbs more than Tamils, Khitans, Punjabi, Chimu and Swahili because they just don’t know them, and they don’t care about them. For most people, the division of the Indian umbrella (which is necessary) would be of little interest, because they don’t even know that India is not an ethnically homogeneous region. For them, each next Indian civ will be just another Indian civ - nothing special.

Chimu would be an Incas copy paste for them. Khitans would be the next nomads. Maybe these people would look at Africa differently because they see that she only has 3 civs despite having contacts with Europeans.

Most likely, the creators know best what DLC most fans expect. I am curious about the sales results of all DLCs for AoE 2 (all versions). It seems to me that the creators know that they can earn more on European civs than on DLC from other regions of the world.

But I personally say that the next DLC will be America-centered (2 civs), then the African DLC (4 civs) and then the sub-continent Indian DLC (2 civs) - 2022.
The first DLC from 2023 could be focused on SEA & Oceania (2 civs), the second DLC on Asia (2 civs), and the third on Eastern Europe (4 civs).
In 2024 we could get the Caucasus DLC (2 civs) and then the Western European DLC (4 civs).



its from your perspective of view.

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Perspective of huge number of peoples. For them, all of India is elephant units, the Taj Mahal, and Hinduism.

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That would be true for any umbrella civi think of all the people who did not want slavs split,but here we are now :wink:

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What is more known by people - Poles and Czechs or maybe Tamils ​​and Punjabis?

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Poles and Czechs.
It is not what would qualify them over Tamils or Punjabis, however, since Eastern Europe already had a lot of civs.

The devs just went for what would sell, and Poles + Bohemians would sell more.
If the next expansion is Aragonese + Navarrans, even though they are unecessary, it will still sell more than Tamils + Punjabis.


It could be the other way around based on population factor.RoR expansion is completely out of europe but people did buy it.


How many more civs do we need? Nothing against adding more but it seems that just about everyone plays the civs from the original age of kings and the conquerors

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And guess what majority of the world population is Asian.

None of my general Indian friends know about the Poles. They will say it’s like in North Pole or South Pole?

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More civis are for people who play single player mainly and for diversity not directly aimed at MP.


They probably know very little. Perhaps Austria is also such a continent for them.


True, I barely play mp because it is so hard, with the improved ai single player is a really good option,


That’s why I said it is from your perspective. You don’t know stuff, doesn’t mean you can label everyone doesn’t know.


And by the way there is a high probability that Tamils and Punjabis are known to more people than Poles and Czechs. Just look at their respective populations.

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I said from the perspective of a man from Western civilization. Here, only those who are interested in the history of Asia know about Tamils, Punjabis or Khitans. The history of India is a completely different thing - definitely less popular here. People from Western civilization, if they are interested in Asia, are more likely to be the Far East (China, Japan and Korea) than India.

The proposals of many Indian civs are based only on representing as many nations as possible residing in the Indian subcontinent - which does not necessarily mean that these civs will be somehow interesting for most players.


Why, this game is for western audience only?