[Poll/discussion] Should French be split into New France and France

This game originally was focus on 16-18th Century’s America Continent(except campaign and POST-19th Century WILD WEST contents in the skirmish maps), what does Napoleon has something to do with America Continent???
The only tide that Napoleon with America Continent are Louisiana Purchase and Suppressed Haitian Revolution.
What else has he to do with 16-18th Century’s America Continent or other colonies???
This HUGE MISTAKE was TERRIBLE DECISION back in 2005, similar with Big Huge Games was trying to combine Mughal and East India Company with DISGUSTING REPRESENTS, and using stereotype to review Asian civilizations.

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That’s Wonderful.:clinking_glasses:
I’m just hate the modern video game industry’s attitude.

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Of course, in that sense the European civs are very symmetrical, recalling those of aoe 2, only with the expansions this began to change…

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Yes, things as they are…we have to dance with the ugliest…

Well you have the battle of Fort Duquesne, something is something not?..

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