[poll] How should we *fix* the Militia Line?

There is a lot of talk about fixing the Milita Line again.
Gambeson has not made Infantry much more viable in the last year so the discussions are heating up again. Even new civilisations with strong Infantry bonuses (Romans and Armenians) rarely use Infantry.

All those threads are full of wild ideas but I want to see what the majority thinks.
Do most people even want the Milita Line to be buffed.

How should the Milita Line be improved?

  • Improve base stars (HP, attack, armour)
  • Improve speed
  • New bonus damage (for exmple against Scout Line)
  • Reduced technology costs (like making Arson and/or Squires free)
  • Reduced resource cost
  • More Gold less Food cost
  • Reduced population cost (Like Logistics in AoE1)
  • Reduced training time
  • Reduced hitbox size
  • Projectile dodging
  • No change
0 voters


  • Civilisation bonuses need to be adjusted accordingly
  • Techtrees need to be adjusted accordingly
  • Infantry Unique Units need to be adjusted accordingly

The discussion is only about how a generic fully upgraded Milita Line should perform, considering that a generic fully upgradable Archer and Knight line are very powerful.

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Since militia line is much cheaper they have to be weaker than knight line. I would propse bonus damage vs scout line and maybe bloodlines style tech which would give +10HP to infantry or only to militia line if first is too good.

Why is the poll showing different % for same amount of votes?

1 Option is never enough as militia has so many problems and weaknesses.


I think the militia line is gonna need most of the changes mentioned above rather than just one


Because 33*3 is only 99. So rater then adding infinite 3s at the end of everything they rater add a random +1 to one of them so the sum is still 100 in case someone checks.

Never doubly buff because itā€™s easy to overbuff something.

The Militia Line has no hard counter that is available to every civilisation.
It could easily become unstoppable if buffed too much.


I hardly see +8 against light cav and buff base speed will be a overbuff.

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Add this one. +2 Cav Armor comes with Gambeson. Making them better vs Camel and Light Cav but still weak vs Knights but more efficient

I hope that is scaling attack bonus +2 for MAA, +4LS, +6 THS and +8 champion but i think +8 is too high. It would be better to start like +1; +2; +3 and +4.

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I think that having a poll that has more then one options gives a worse result. Just vote for the buff that you think would be the best.
I also donā€™t want trolls to reply with ā€œNo changeā€ and something else.

Just give the Scout Line Eagle Warrior armour class.

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honestly keep it as it is with Scout. Just give Cav Armor. More reason to use vs Indian OP Camels.

Ok, I think I should be clearer. What on the list I want are:

  1. Bonus damage vs scout line. +1 every tier upgrade, max at champion for a total of +4.
  2. A new general tech that cut infantry pop by 25%, available in imperial age (I think 50% a bit much after doing some mod testing).
  3. improve speed of +5% per tier upgrade, max at 2handed swordman for a total of 15%. Squire move down to feudal and cost 75 food.

These number a relatively in the middle and stack over time so I donā€™t think they would be unstoppable, definitely not in castle age. And the tech that cut population by 25% will only be available in imp.

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Donā€™t see how is possible to have a power militia-line without a proper hard counterā€¦

Wait, how do you have light version? I still remember when this forum used to look like this.

On your question, the sum of percentage value is always 100%. This is why sometimes 1% deviation happen.

You can turn it on from the settings.Dont remember where but I did it with the settings.

I think they should add a levies (trash units) and elite (gold units) armour class to the game and make infantry counter the first but that alone wouldnā€™t resolve the issue of infantry which is being slow and have no range.
But thatā€™s just reality, infantry is on foot and fight in melee so it would be ridiculous to make them as fast as horses or to hit from a distance, itā€™s just how things are irl.

That said, for the later game, infantry should be strong in numbers so I also support adding a logistics tech like aoe1 in castle or imperial age (probably researched at the castle cause in barracks would be too easy to access early).
Again this doesnā€™t solve the issue of ā€œIā€™m being attacked by scouts in feudal age but I canā€™t catch them with spearsā€, unfortunately thatā€™s just the nature of things, horses are fast.

The only solution I could see in this last regard is to make cavalry weaker, knights could have 80 hp or 8 attack or 1 less armour, but again you canā€™t touch speed cause that is ā€œhard codedā€ in reality lol. Knights I think are just too strong in early castle, even for civs that donā€™t care about them like vikings, itā€™s just too much and a no brainer to make them asap whatever civ you play with.
Anyway Iā€™m a big noob in this game so I may be mislead, these are just my opinions.

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Kts could lost 1 melee armor and give chavalier upgrade +1 melee armor. I wonder how could this impact in kts gameplay in general and specific vs infantry (except spear-line).

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I think Knights should be strong power units.
Itā€™s a medieval game.
I think the Knight is at the core of AoE2 and everything else should be balanced around it.


Unpopular opinion that no one talked about - I think we need more HP and armor. Believe it or not, Iā€™m actually doing a lot of calculation on this topic for almost an year now. Iā€™m at final stage and need to do some actual testing on scenario editor.

Iā€™ve never created any thread on Militia line. So I might open one once HC_V is ended and I will finish my test.


1: Speed: No. I think their speed should be slow. (That should be a weakness.I know that is the issue but, it should be this way.)
2: HP/Armor/Attack: Yeah. That is one option but, you gotta be careful not to overbuff them.
3: Bonus Damage: That is a good alternative but, I donā€™t think that entirely solves the issue.
4: Reduced Cost: Ehā€¦ Kinda neutral on this. Armor like that was ā€˜expensiveā€™ but, this game isnā€™t realistic soā€¦ maybeā€¦
5: +Gold/-Food: See 4. (Basically the same.)
6: No Change: I meanā€¦ I am neutral on this. I would like a small change but, no change is okay too I guessā€¦
7: Smaller Hitbox: Absolutely. 100% (I can only pick one option though.)
8: Population Cost: I guess so? Neutral on this.
9: Technology Cost: I guess so? Neutral on this.
10: Dodging: Meh. I would like to avoid this option if possible.
11: Training Time: Maybe? Neutral on this.

I still think Unit Size and Armor/HP is the way to go honestly. (But, it has to be carefully considered.) I think attack might be fine as is. (some cases may need adjustments. unsure.)


I agree with DemiserofD as well. Regeneration would be a good alternative as well. It would kinda ruin the vikings specialty but, still not a bad idea honestly.