It’s possible no doubt but not if they are 10 times weaker. That’s what some people here want.
Canoes have to get one shot by naval cannons!!11!!1
Do even fisher boats get one shot at the moment?
I made this concept before I played the beta
I think the foot soldiers are the easy part. Still it’s a bit harder with the AoE4 armour system than the AoE3 resistance system.
If you have 2x the units with half the attack than +1 armour makes you better against them compared to if it was just one stronger unit.
But than we also have the effect that there is a minimal damage of 1.
American Concept
My idea is that they are designed to fight other Native Americans in the campaigns but are still balanced to fight all other civilisations in multiplayer.
It’s obviously not going to be perfectly realistic but neither are the other civilisations.
In Feudal Age their units are relatively equal to the Eurasian ones but over the Ages the leak of Blacksmith upgrades makes them weaker. They only get 1 weapon and 1 armour upgrade instead of 3.
They leak strong units like Knights, Man-at-Arms or Crossbows. They have cheap but weak units though. Some units cost half population but not all. That means two Native American units are as strong as one Eurasian one on average. Crazy things like a 10 to 1 ratio is just impossible in gameplay. There is a reason why the Zerglings in Starcraft 2 are the fastest unit, they have to reach the enemy before dying. We can’t let infantry run faster than cavalry.
I also don’t have a good concept for naval yet. I have too see how naval gameplay actually develops in AoE4.
Town Centre
Native Villager
- A bit less attack and hitopints than Eurasian Villager
- Gathers faster from hunt and berries
- Fast Infantry unit
- View rage increases when idle (like Oracle from AoM but faster)
American Spearman
- Age 2
- Less Armour, Hitpoints and Attack than Eurasian Equivalent
- 0.5 population
- Food and Wood
- Age 3
- Man-at-Arms but without armour
- Food and Gold
Shock Infantry
- Age 2
- Even fast but slower than Cavalry
- Like AoE2 Eagle Warrior of AoE3 Coyote Runner
- Attack bonus against Archers
- Decent Ranged Armour
- Food and Gold
Acts as a Horseman replacement. There is no replacement for the Knight.
Archery Range
American Bowman
- Age 2
- Less Armour, Hitpoints, Attack and Range than Eurasian Bowman
- 0.5 Population
- Food and Wood
Javelin Thrower
- Age 3
- Short range ranged unit
- Stronger attack than Bowman
- Attack bonus against cavalry
- Wood and Gold
- Age 3
- Lower damage and range than American Bowman
- Fast rate of fire
- 0.5 population
- Minimal damage of 2 instead of 1
- Wood and Gold
It’s role is to counter heavy slow units. They don’t do much damage but because they always to at last 2 damage instead of the usual 1. This way they can counter heavy units in large numbers.
Siege units
- Cheaper but less armoured than Eurasian Ram
Siege Tower
- Slower than Eurasian Siege Tower because no wheels
- Heals allies
- Carries Relics
Siege Arrow
- Age 4
- Archer with a giant bow
- Destroys Buildings and Siege units at high range
- Wood and Gold
- Enable Ram and Siege Tower (Age 2)
- Faster Infantry (Age 3)
- Batch training (Age 3) like AoE3
- Armour and Weapon upgrade (Age 4)
Aggressive civilisation. They have fast and hard hitting Elite units but can also overwhelm the enemy with numbers.
Unique Units
Jaguar Warrior
- Replaces Warrior but more expensive
- +1 Hitpoint for each allied Jaguar Warrior in the area (limit increases with ever upgrade)
Eagle Warrior
- Replaces Javelin but more expensive
- As fast as Shock Infantry
Warrior Priest
- Replaces normal Priest
- Sacrifices an allied unit to boots other allied units in the area
- Can fight
Civilisation Bonuses
- Slinger available in Age 2
Unique Technologies
- Gives you gold for each unit a Jaguar of Eagle Warrior kills (Age 4)
- Reduces the cost of all units besides Jaguar and Eagle Warrior (Age 3 and Age 4)
The Inca don’t have strong units but they have strong defences and are good at delaying and weakening the enemies. They are bad at direct confrontations.
They have a huge micro potential in fight if you want to spread out the poison damage and slowdown effect.
Unique Units
Jungle Bowman
- Replaces American Archer but has same base attack
- 1 population and also more expensive
- Does +50% poison damage over time that ignores armour
- Poison damage doesn’t stack
Bolas Warrior
- Age 3
- Additional Unit
- Slows down enemy units, especially cavalry
- Bonus damage against cavalry
- Food and Gold
Unique Buildings
Kancha House
- Twice the population and cost of regular house
- Can garrison villagers (No attack)
- Placed on Gold or Stone mines
- Doesn’t block them
- Station villagers to mine
- Does have an attack when villagers are stationed
Unique Technologies
- Additional attack damage upgrade for all units (Still less than Blacksmith) (Age 3)
- Increase of poison damage (but also time) to +75% and +100% (Age 3 and Age 4)
- Bolas Warriors slow down AoE (Age 4)
- Units can be stationed in production buildings but not attack (Age 3)
Other potential Civilisations
- Economic focus
- Stealth focus