Yes, but that’s why I suggested this combined with making canoes quantity over quality, they are weak but after a few hundred shots they start to be more significant.
This strategy has diminishing returns, however. Unless Euroasian civs are heavily limited in their number of Ships, it get to a point in which much fewer Eurasian units, taking much less pop, will be much more effective, and there will be no counter to them.
Do not forget that units cost pop. It is not like you can outnumber your oppenents 40 to 1, in the actual game.
Since when has age of empires been 100% accurate, only things that have been even close to what you want are the campaigns, so if you want the game to be like that I’m guessing you want balance to be thrown out the window and be based around what were the most powerful nations at the time rather than having a fair and balanced game.
Alright then, I guess I’ll be playing one of the OP civs that were also Op in real life, they don’t mean 100% accurate if they ment 100% accurate then English vs Delhi sultanate would have not been showed in the gameplay trailer, so no, not 100% accurate, just more accurate than before.
I’m not talking about just the inca rafts. I’m talking about the Chimu totora ships.
Heck, even those inca rafts can be used to fight. If that’s the problem you have with them.
Chimu had bronze armor. There is a suggestion on the age of empires 2 forum with pics.
Besides, the Spanish used bronze and steel armors in the conquest of the americas. Later they started to use cotton armor because of the hotter weather.
lol I don’t want more american civs in age of empires 2, but I don’t see enough reasons to leave aztecs and mayans out of the 4th game.
If you think that’s not “caring at all” about history 11
It has never been, but I believe they want to change that in AoE4 (it would be better too).
Yup. It will just be fair and balanced without Natives .
They were technologically much closer than they would ever be with Natives. Stop trying to derail. We aren’t talking about Asia, we are talking about how weak natives are in comparison to everyone else.
Exactly, never, and guess what? Age of empires has still been successful
Ok then, if you want to apply this to everything and not be biased then I guess your saying games have to happen between civs that had war in real life, correct? Or are you just biased? Also would mean you want French to be OP and unbalanced, for example, with their only bad matchup being the English.
They were still very small and would be blasted by stuff like Carracks or Junks.
No matter how one tries to balance it, there is a reason why we talk about the great maritime exploits of European and Asian peoples, not American ones.
If they actually had an advanced Naval tradition, it is likely they would have not been so far behind the Old World, as they would have crossed either the Pacific or the Atlantic, and brought home new technology, animals, plants, diseases and concepts.
But no, that wouldn’t be accurate because you said you wanted accuracy and the English vs the Chinese didn’t happen, biased
England kept France in check for a long time because they prevented them from uniting for a while, a United france in the early Middle Ages would have more population than most other places in Europe, therefore if you want 100% accuracy the only civ that should be allowed to win against the French should be the English.
But it does mean that either way the game will be fine even with minor inaccuracies.
There are many people who are new to the franchise or were too young when they started playing to realize that AoE has never taken itself seriously. Wololo
Yeah it definitely seems that way, aoe is like an alternate history, you literally have the English fighting an Indian dynasty on Black Forest ( I don’t know, the map in the trailer looked like Black Forest to me ) aoe is not history, it takes ideas from history and changes them.