All your arguments try to make clear that american civs shouldn’t be added by any means.
Many users already gave you options and explored possibities regarding their weak points in their potential design. But you keep trying to debunk them or find the most minuscule fault to deny them. Your original post and all your comments so far are just “buts”, like an effort to say it’s impossible to add them. That’s why your thread is malicious, because it’s not posted with the intention to find out what the community thinks, instead you decided on your own they must not be added beforehand and are using strict historicity as an excuse to push something like “See, I was right. Look at the poll”. Like fabricating a thread for future reference on future threads to support your points.
Then what are you talking about? This is really the whole point of this thread.
You cannot have balanced Natives without being very historically inaccurate; and vice versa.
The wish of the people should not dictate what happens. Adam himself has already said he wants AoE4 to be historically accurate.
I want Age of Empires 4 to be a trusted source of history. I think we can do that justice; I would be over the moon if people were like, ‘man, this is legit!’ because there’s been some shaky history in the previous Age of Empires games," Adam Isgreen, 2019
This is a fresh start for us. We want to modernise the series and that means we are going to do things differently. Adam Isgreen, 2019
I’m saying if a "historically wrong " civilisation is added because a lot of people want it that it’s ok because a lot of people will have fun with it. The fun those people have is more important than the few people that get triggered by it.
If the people want “Vikings” that add them even if the game is focused on 1000-1500 AD.
Historical accuracy is an afterthought in AoE4. They try to be more accurate than AoE2/3 but they still added enough things that aren’t too historical.
Abbasides have Camel Riders that fight in the front lines, or Camel Archers that were historically never used by them.
We also already had the discussion over Mongol bows having a longer range than English Longbows.
But here the AoE2 Longbows won, because they wanted the English to play like the Britons form AoE2.
Now you could argue if Native Americans would be more historically inaccurate but that’s not a real argument.
You set an arbitrary line that you think the developer made but there is no way to prove that unless we ask Adam.
AoE always had a bit of fantasy elements in it. Monks/priest are not realistic at all. You can’t just convert a knight that is charging at you or heal units from the distance.
It seems like AoE4 will have even more “fantasy” features for relics like AoE conversion.
You are drawing a line somewhere and imply that’s what the developers want.
You do realize that’s not a valid reason, right?
Otherwise you’d have to be against crazy inaccurate stuff like having the english towers produce infantry and siege units. Or the chinese spies. Or the abbasid’s fifth age. zZzZzZz
It’s not like the native people did disappear after they were conquered. They simply did become part of the new colony. Tarascan a good example where they did keep some part of autonomy and did pay tributes to Spain, till they were forced into become a part of colony new spain.
I think the solution tbh is to give a potential Spanish and POrtuguese civs a bunch of native references and techs/units, rather than the other way around
AoE4 is far away from being accurate.
Look at naval battles for example.
It might be less wrong than AoE2 but it’s still very far away form like Total War for example.
But that’s not what people want. They want berserkers and longboats even in Castle and Imperial Age.
Ok quote me where he said that Native Americans are impossible but all other civilisations are fine.
He just said he wanted to be more accurate not that they are going to make a simulation.
It’s just your interpretation that Native Americans are crossing the line of being not accurate enough.
Arabs mostly used Horses in their armies.
There is no evidence of Camels being used in armies in a relevant scale. Camels were mostly used for logistics and skirmisher.
According to historians Camel Archer would dismount before shooting, only using the Camel as a Taxi.
We saw both healing and conversion in trailers and gameplay already.
You also forget that the Opinion of the Developers can change.
They wanted to give all civilisations heroes originally including features like an eagle that can be summoned to scout the enemy base.
The only “hero” left is the Mongol Khan.
There are arrow firing ships already in-game. As the trailer shows.
Go tell the devs they are wrong and must remove those ships because they are inaccurate, technologically inferior and are hard to implement. zZzZzZz
I might want to add a point. I’m also unsure how you would be able to implement Meso-Civs into the game in a satisfying way.
Someone said that conversions are even more unrealistic as a function than maybe ships or siege for the meso civs. While that is in general true, conversions are still something that happend even if not the exact way that it is portrayed in the game.
I would love to know if there is some kind of “siege” equipment that Meso-Civs used that could be implemented for them as a replacement for the siege that all the other civs get. I’m fine with them just having terrible navy but on land at least they need a way that they can compete with the other civs that is kind of based on reality. I wouldn’t find it satisfying to watch them destroy walls with their swords. To me that would just look and feel wrong.
I agree with the fact that they are very different than any other civs. The devs said mongols are very different from the rest of the civs, I think if meso civs added, they have to be even more. This means that it will be the hardest civ to make for the devs. This doesnt mean meso civs shouldnt be added. I hope the devs arent afraid of the challenge and they keep trying until the quaility of the civ feels good enough next to the other ones. They will have to design it very carefully thats for sure.
On “how can we make meso civs balanced” I wrote some ideas. (These ideas arent designed carefully. ) I think they are fun. Its better to brainstorm some reasonable and some crazy ideas than only chatting about why its impossible to add them. Lets see some ideas from you guys. Cheers
That would be great for an age of mythology game.
Then all american, european, asian or african civs would definitely suit without any realistic/balance concern as the power would not be measured in objective terms like technology or economy but in very subjective self beliefs of the kind ‘my god versus your god’.
Then we would all get to see whether the Sun god was actually that powerful