But before we move onto those minor civilizations(<5 million population each) there are many more deserving old world civilizations like
Palas (40+ million population, 10% world’s GDP in middle ages, had all technologies, some of the biggest armies of mankind),
Dravidians (=Tamils+Vijaynagara+North Srilanka, Again 30 million population, another 10% world’s GDP in middle ages),
Oriya(10 million population IIRC, another 3% World GDP, Advanced in medieval technologies),
Swahili (10 milion again IIRC, huge landmass, big navy),
Kongolese (10 milion again IIRC, huge agrarian landmass with hierarchical medieval political system),
Zimbabweans (20 million population, 5% World’s GDP)
Remember I have myself campaigned for the two Nat am civs Aruacans and Mapuche
(note: I am not opposing fixing the current issues :cheaters and bugs ) If we have learnt anything about AOE2, it is that “More the civs the better”. There is nothing to lose with more and more civs covering more and more of the world. For the LONG TERM, The game must go on, and people should be entertained with new stuff, that’s what matters. NOT disputes over historical similarities between civs OR over why this or that civ is insignificant. I hereby propose 65 total civilization…
But these minor civilizations each with hardly any comparable Population (the above are >20 times more in Pop and GDP), Technology as well as GDP must come much later, after the more significant ones are covered.