[Poll](Updated) Which civs would you like to see in the game? (All popularly requested civs included)

You are certainly biased and don’t want to change your opinion.

Tenochtitlan (capital of Aztecs) alone was 5 times larger than London in it’s time period.


I change with evidence, not words.

I know that nowadays it is popular to say that Europe was always backwards before the Colonial period, but that is simply not true. Europe was fragmented after the fall of Rome, and regressed, but never became primitive, or uncompetitive in the world stage.

After the Moors conquered the Iberian Peninsula, they fragmented several times, and the taifas that actually implemented more european tactics and technology (instead of being military traditionalists) were usually the ones that had the greatest success in warfare.

Before the Crusades, vambraces were rare in the Middle east. After the Crusades, they became common place.

Saladin famously had several Footmen train with Tabaryia axes, to imitate european Axemen and their effectiveness against Armoured Infantry, when compared to swords or spears.

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UK, France and Germany are not all of Europe, and even then GDP does not directly translate into Military technology.

Look at the Huns, their GDP was non-existant, yet their tactics, strategy and Bowmanship was much more advanced than anything the Romans had faced before.

I actually argue that being so rich is exactly the reason why China and India fell behind in the Military and Transportation departments, when compared to Europe.

Large and wealthy nations tend to stagnate in terms of warfare, unless they constantly push themselves towards it, but prosperous people suffer heavily from war fatigue.

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Go see some other videos/data online there is plenty of data available. Even the Roman economy is much smaller compared to India or China in the time period. Also keep in mind India is not a united entity in this era. It too comprised of many many kingdoms and cultures just like you said for Europe.

Economy translates to more technological innovations and higher standard of life.


Higher standards of living? Yes.
Technological development? No.

Just take the example of the Cold War, and the leaps and bounds taken in space exploration, submarines and aeronautics because of the threat of falling behind.
Compare that with the EU which is actually very stagnant in terms of military development, as of recent decades, and much more focused on general prosperity.
Then compare again to modern China, which is now a military powerhouse because it maintained itself in a state of perpetual strife to overcome teh West in terms of military.

The proof is in the pudding.

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So you want to say China maintained it’s hegemony for 3000 years without any technological advantage?

You are biased sir.


NO NO NO because JonOli12 says no!!

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That is not what I am saying at all. Hegemonic cultures tend to stagnate, they do not lose technology, they lose to drive to get more technology, faster.

Cultures that find themselves in need of technology, will develop it faster than cultures which have no or lesser need of it.

China was also not a hegemony for 3000 years. It was successfully invaded many times, broke up in several Civil Wars, and at many times in History, was divided in petty kingdoms all fighting each other for the right to be “true China”.

From the Shang being destroyied by the Zhou, to the Japanese occupation, all through the Epoc of the Five Barbarians, the Three Kingdoms, the Mongol Dinasty, teh Manchurian Dinasty, and many other times China got reduced to almost nothing, and had to rebuild itself.

I am a fan of Dan, Duke of Zhou myself, and greatly appreciate the Mandate of Heaven doctrine, as a christian.

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However if we want to see more civilizations even 30 we have to be creative, making unique bonuses, very unique unique units, buildings like: Ballista Towers (source https://www.reddit.com/r/aoe2/comments/8triw8/new_civ_concept_khazars/), Fortified Outposts, Upgraded Town Centers, Drop off site for all resources + unique unit with 1 damage ignoring pierce armor, ranged infantry with a small trample damage, unit that can’t be converted, ram ship… etc… + very strong steppe lancers, militia-line, gunpowder + bonuses that sound like overlapping but they aren’t: 5 pierce armor halberdier, 15% faster attacking paladins…

Rocket Towers would be more Medieval than Ballist Towers, and would be cool for a Khitans civ, as a replacement for Bombard Towers, and an upgrade for Keeps.

Kingdom of Bosnia?


Covered by Slavs. AoE2 does not deal with Kingdoms, but Civilizations. Bosnians are and were Slavs.

Caribs are their close neighbor. Both are Brazillian tribes with very similar cannibalistic culture. You can vote for the Caribs.

Armenians are their close neighbors. Both Caucasian. You can vote for them.

They are part of South Slavic Group. Bulgarians in game are also the same ethnicity.

It will be redundant to include very similar ethnicities and there are too many of them to cover if I start writing everyone.


Caribs are from way further North than the Tupis.

The Caribbean (named because of the Caribs) is closer to Mexico than Brazil.

Tupis and caribs were not close neighbours at all.

I’d choose Caribs over Tupis and Georgians over Armenians

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they are not carribean. karibna meant “person”. It became the origin of the English “cannibal”.

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The Caribbean was named after the Caribs.

I know the word also means Cannibal, which the english got from spanish.

sure I have no issues. I just randomly picked one of them. both georgian and armenian are almost equally sized population-wise. I just thought armenians have a bit older history.

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Most of these campaigns happens in the Post-Renaissance Era (1600s and after).The AOE2 cronology’s goes and ended in the japanese invasion of Korea -The Imjin War- (1592-1598).After this point in the cronology,happens the events and period of AOE3 (1598-1876) (The Colonial Era,the European-indians wars,the Thirty Years War,The War of US Independence,the French Revolution,the Napolenic Wars and Era,and the Latinoamerican Wars of Independence…

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