Poll: What is/are your favorite/s AoE game?

Even since I’ve been here the AoE 4 forum has declined in activity. It used to be almost as many topics and discussions as AoE 2. Now it is still active more so then the AoE 3 section as there are more AoE 4 players. So saying the AoE 4 players don’t know about the forum is not true. Also the devs like to say visit the forum for info in announcements I’ve seen.

Well history…

I remember this subforum having a few hundred posts a day.

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That you say that it is in a delicate situation, since it is out of the expected numbers or with slow patches to improve aspects of the game, ok, but to imply that it is a dead game when it is not like that and when it is shown that this place represents very few playerbase…

What @OperaticShip743 says is correct and I was making threads asking the devs to communicate more, but it is also correct that there were people who got tired of being here because of the negativity and toxicity and went to other platforms to enjoy the game with the community and make constructive criticism.


I apologize for suggesting it’s a dead game in any sense that players are not playing it. They very much are. I bet you are very much actively playing a living game.

I only intend to describe that to me, and perhaps others here, the game does not show any signs of one day becoming something we would play. In that sense, we are inclined to discuss why.


When the game gets more content this year + quality of life elements (like being able to select units of the same type that you like so much, if I’m not mistaken, or deeper remapping of hotkeys) + more stability, maybe you’ll be encouraged.

Yes, I can say that this is the definitive year to know what the path of the game will be like in the future.


Hopefully some changes to slow down early vill spam (many tcs age2), reducing tc light unit sniping machine gun fire, oppressive cav age2 (hell rus french) and finally fixing the attack priority bug (units not fighting but deciding to attack buildings, especially archers), this might actually become playable.
Significant improvements to pathfinding and more diverse fighting animations should also come in timely.
Graphics also need further improvement, camera max distance needs to be enhanced.

None of that is related to any other game, it’s just what fans (who currently choose to not play it), expect of a 2021 released triple AA 60€ game.

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Your “when” is my “if,” and that probably helps explain our disconnect from each other’s position.

Fortunately, we will know soon enough whether development is still happening and what it entails.

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EDIT - I just want to say I appreciate the responses folks. Didn’t expect so many answers! Currently running a mild fever, my son has a higher one, and we’re all meant to be going to Wales tomorrow :sweat_smile: So had to keep this one a bit short.

Personally, I think any of those three things fall under iterative development.

I mean we can argue about them, about what we want to see in what order (which is imo the root a lot of conflict), and I know you’re just giving a few examples. But those examples specifically don’t necessarily change much. They could improve the game for a lot of people, if handled with finesse.

The only real opinion I have is that I like how weapon crews work / don’t work, mainly because I like the golden pack / unpack (/ construction) FX. I know it’s not for everyone.

Well, that and I hate weapons team pathfinding. Always have.

  1. Providing more flora and fauna for the maps will make the experience more immersive for me. The biomes are cool but could be so much better.
  2. Improving siege is a must because right now I find it too underwhelming. It’s not even about the lack of siege crews for me but the fact it just isn’t impactful at all. Siege has to feel and look impactful!
  3. Give the game a personality. This can be done in a number of ways.

I don’t feel it necessary to list more PvE content since that is a given via DLCs. Historical Battles can be wicked fun. I enjoy them in both 2DE and 3DE.

The art style is what it is but I can be pretty forgiving if the game makes up for it in other areas. The civ design is robust enough that I think Relic can come up with plenty of interesting mechanics. I think there’s a lot of potential there.

If these things get worked I’d be happy to try out AoEIV again. It’ll never be a favorite but it doesn’t need to be. Just offer me something that the other games don’t. I doubt I’ll ever be a fan of the campaigns but that can be said for AoE3 too and that’s been on my Mount Rushmore of games since 2005.


I think the same as you with the difference that in my opinion aoe3 players are still not satisfied, so they inquire about 4 to see if it improves and becomes more similar to what they would like

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I find you very toxic, I have not once seen you speak well of aoe, what do you come to write here, if you do it just to speak evil of the game. you also said that it will probably never be for you, so why do you have to throw negativity on people who don’t think like you that the game is dead?

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Like many others here, I’ve played AoE for more than 20 years and spent tens of thousands of hours playing and hanging out in this community. I love this franchise more than any other. I find the confluence of rts and history absolutely brilliant, and when done right is about as close to perfect fun as I’ve ever had on a screen.

I have huge emotions, and that’s why I’m so outspoken against aoe4. It misses the mark so painfully. I’ve never been accused of trolling until aoe4, quite the opposite — I’d been labeled a shill for the devs for years.

I look forward again to loving a new age game that finally picks up where this series so beautifully left off. I can’t wait to be accused of fanboying. And until then, I’ll continue to plant my feet and as politely and firmly as I can, tell the devs that this franchise has done and can do much, much better than aoe4.


I’m happy you played the series a lot and enjoyed it, but in my opinion you’re taking your nostalgia too forcefully, even here there are people who think the same as you think of the other chapters or whether the game is absolutely worth it think it and it is an RTS that will be remembered, times change and so does the community, by now there are fewer people in the world who play RTS this does not mean that today’s RTS are bad, but only the fashion and the way has changed to think, you cannot continue to tell players that they love the game and with facts they show you that it is not dead, that it is dead, without you having played it thoroughly or loving it as they do, because your judgment of i hate it should be stronger, i fully understand its not what you were expecting, but that doesnt make it rubbish, its just that times have changed and maybe youre blinded by the nostalgia of the years that remind you of the good old days , since in those years the world was different and functioned differently, what makes sense is that your perception was different, which has now changed because of the change in everything, if I go and play a game I used to play years ago , I don’t like it anymore because once I had less knowledge and less awareness of the world, which changed my perception, what I mean is that in my opinion you are stuck there.

Yes, one option is I’m unable at my advanced age to perceive quality.

Another option is that aoe4 is garbage.

Perhaps a third option is that this forum exists so that both your opinion and mine can coexist and confront each other. You be the voice of the thousands of people who play the game. I’ll be the voice of the thousands who tried it and quit. The devs can decide how to use both opinions to strengthen the future.


I’m not looking to dump 3DE. The only game that is gonna take a considerable amount of time away from it is AoMRE.

I’ll give AoEIV another go when I feel it has something to offer me. Have no idea when/if that will be.

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Of course I agree, but the game is not in beta so there may be changes but the entire game cannot be changed.

If you want to bring a positive discourse don’t say that it’s dead but what do you think it’s bad about, also because what do the developers do with a comment that says the game is dead? throw the game in the trash, forgetting who is still playing it and enjoying it?

Then if you like the other chapters, you can easily play them since they update them.

wrong. if you post soemthign contrarian there ytou get downvoted into the oblivion. there a reason why reddit is considered an echo chamber

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considering it was only revived by the 20 bucks deal is not an organic way to increase playerbas ein the long run. as you can see in the charts, the number are starting to go down because the content is not enough to keep interest.