Poll: Which civs do you like to play?

  1. Which civs do you like to play more?
  • Abbasid Dynasty
  • Chinese
  • Delhi Sultanate
  • English
  • French
  • Holy Roman Empire
  • Malians
  • Mongols
  • Ottomans
  • Rus
  • Byzantines
  • Japanese
  • Ayyubids
  • Jeanne d’Arc
  • Order of the Dragon
  • Zhu Xi’s Legacy
0 voters

I know the sample is small for any conclusion, but it is impressive how popular the Byzantines and Ottomans are, and on the other hand Joan of Arc and Maliams are unpopular.

You gave me 5 to choose from, if there were 10 I would have chosen Japanese, French, Holy Roman Empire and others.

That makes me realize that I really love most of the civs in the game, and the ones I don’t play much is because I haven’t found an optimal build yet, but I still appreciate them.

  • JoanDArc was popular, but recently VARIOUS ways to counter her were discovered, and currently, due to the popularity of playing Abbasid or Delhi, which are her biggest counters, people prefer other civs, especially French to replace her, mainly in team games.
    – Aesthetically: she also has problems, the lack of a “Suppport-Healer” build with a flag at lv4, or that her 2 current builds have a hand cannon at lv4 (which was the most criticized part of her design), also affects her image, due to “historicity” more than anything.

  • Malians, they are still loved, but they have the problem that in Late Game they stagnate a bit, and it is difficult to master them completely, since there are several builds to play them: they are too versatile, but for that reason difficult to master.

And about the others:

  • Ottomans have always been popular since season 6, even since the end of the Siege Wars people only replaced producing mangonels to producing springalds.

  • Byzantines, they are practically a Jack of all trades, but master of Catraphacts, with a large number of mercenaries that allow several types of build during the same game. And if all else fails, just accumulate cataphracts for Post-Imperial.

What has been seen is that some civs are more optimal in 1vs1 games than in Team games. I don’t know if this will be fixed in the future or not, or if there is no tutorial to take advantage of the advantages of one civ with another, but well, these are things that the game can still evolve with.