Poll: Whitch are the Top 5 improvements you want to see in the game?

  • Match Xbox interface and hotkeys with PC
  • Better replay and caster mode interface
  • Being able to choose the spawn point in team games
  • Being able to reconnect
  • More Fauna Variety
  • Choice of having the minimap in the left bottom corner
  • Ranked lobbies anonymous
  • Improved unit pathing
  • Pause Button for MP
  • More Biomes
  • Solution for maphackers
  • More Civ balancing
  • Villager auto queue
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Actually I would choose more than 5, but I prioritize xD.

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I absolutely hate that there are spots on the map that are encircled by trees so you can’t see them or go to them. I want to HAVE ACCESS TO THE ENTIRE MAP.


My 5 wanted improvements would be

  1. more single player content
  2. better Ai (personalities) for skirmishes
  3. more variations of animals, plants
  4. more interesting single player maps like aoe3 historical battel maps ( with matching Ai )
  5. interesting new unique units, civs with interesting mechanics wich are not only designed for multiplayer.

Where’s the “improve UI” option?

Looks like a placeholder still.


Would be nice if they added a FFA nomad quickmatch vs AI, for practicing if you like that game mode. Takes so much time to set it up in skirmish.

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A section of historical battles and then historical maps…

I feel that for now, with Unique Units, we are doing well…I would give the Bedouin units to the Abbasids…I would give the English and French 1 UU more…and the HRE 3 UU…


I haven’t touched the game in two years as I’ve been waiting to see if any of my issues have been rectified but after such a long period it’s not looking good. Thankfully, the DEs are still going strong and AoMRs release is imminent so the sting of not enjoying a new AoE experience isn’t as strong.

Anyway, these are my top 5 issues that would bring me back if/when addressed.

  1. Improve artillery- better animations, physics, impact, etc. This area is objectively just plain bad and isn’t fun to use compared to the previous games, especially AoE3. Heck, Onager shots in AoE2 pack more punch than anything in AoEIV. Nest of Bees is a cool unity I suppose. Artillery needs an entire rework IMO.

  2. More flora and fauna on the maps- AoEIV introduced biomes which are cool and should be a strength of the game but it isn’t because the maps feel more like battlegrounds. Immersion is something that AoEIV really struggles with and improving the variety here would go a long way. Again, this is another objectively weak spot in the game IMO. And it’s just not AoE3 players who see this. Where are the birds flying across the screen?

  3. AI personalities- While you don’t need to go the AoE3 route there is no reason why each civ can’t draw from a pool of leaders like AoE2 does to improve immersion. I remember looking up who these leaders were in AoE2. For a game that is marketed as being historically friendly, this is a big oof. Also, where is the compendium?

  4. Improve immersion across the board- This ties in with the first 3. AoEIV lacks the personality and charm of the previous games. It feels soulless to me. I didn’t find the game fun, it left me feeling hollow. You don’t need to go all RDR2 to improve immersion just adding some graphical details can help but instead, there are static chickens. The UI is another step down from the previous games IMO.

  5. More single-player content- self-explanatory. I played the first few missions of the Norman campaign but it didn’t draw me in. Introducing historical battles would be a good addition to the next DLC.

Overall, AoEIV certainly isn’t a bad game but I feel like its potential is limited unless these things are addressed. Plenty of people enjoy it though so maybe the game will never be for me. There are several areas that I give merit to such as masteries. Whenever I feel like giving the game a 2nd chance I just as quickly lose motivation.


I love the UI, I find the blue and gold very easy to read.


Microsoft takes so long to add these improvements and people leave cause it takes so long.

One of the problems is the editor. You can make and clone your own, atmosphere, biomes and terrain in the editor, but then it doesn’t work in game. I don’t think it would take to much to fix this problem and have biomes added with mod downloads with crafted and generated maps, turning packs and game modes.

Aoe4 is the best selling game since its been released, but will always have less support then the other aoe games. Mainly aoe2. Take a look at redbull and most of the Aoe media sties.