[Poll] Will Sweden get nerfed this time

Ok, this is gonna be the last post that I will do to address you, after that I will block you as well. But before, please let me vent out some stuff out of my chest first:

1-) I don’t get mad just when I see your names. I get mad because you guys (You and ArrivalLeader, let me be specific here) keep being rude and harassing people that disagree with your opinions. Examples:

You harassing me for disagreeing with you in a topic that I’m not even posted on it.

ArrivalLeader comment cursing on the dev team just because he does not understand a basic game principle.

ArrivalLeader harassing @Moonshadow7475 with a sarcastic comment on a unrelated topic.
(Just for better context: This was after they where having a discussion about Daimyos on a Japan topic, and Moonshadow said something to the effect that you can kill Daimyos yet, and ArrivalLeader went out of his way to bother him on a unrelated topic about that.)

I’m not gonna go over all the topics searching for more examples, as my time is limited and I would do better using him reading other topics instead of searching for rude comments. But if you look for yourself, you will gonna find more examples.

But you guys know what I am talking about it. Unnecessary rude statements direct towards the developers and other members of the forum, and harassing inter-threads is why you guys are bothering me. Not because you are just disagreeing with my opinion.

I did have disagreements with people on the past. And you two are legitimately the first two people that I’m blocking on this forum, and as a matter of fact, the first people that I block on any social media platform that I ever used.

I would not have a problem with your guys if you formulated your opinions constructively like SirCallen did on the screenshot that you took.

My problem is: You guys are being rude and harassing people that disagree with you and being quite rude about imposing your opinions towards others.

Plus, is clearly as the day that neither of you play this game very often, as you don’t understand how this game works, but you still wants to complain just for the sake of complaining. And when I try to explain my points, you guys not even read and try to understand why I am saying what I am saying, just jump to say something that came out of your head to immediately disagree.

So this creates this useless conversations when I am trying to explain things to people that don’t want to receive explanations and understand my points at all. Which is just a useless conversation overall.

2-) I’m not a “lord”, as a matter of fact I am a stupid, lousy and inexperienced young man that is only getting to adulthood right now and I am trying to understand the world. My personality is not fully shaped yet.

And I guess this is the reason why I sometimes feel the need to do some comments that appear to be quite moralist. (And believe, they are quite cringe to me to read them as well)
As I probably am trying to get lessons from each experience that I have to shape up my personality, not that I am trying to pretend to be a perfect person.

As a matter of fact, in this very same thread I made a post replying to @DAC1789, where I admit that I was feeling guilty for causing drama, and I will also admit that on the other thread I actually made a stupid ego-boosting comment bellow the SirCallen post that you screenshotted that looking back I should not have done it.

I honestly don’t think nothing of those are traits of a narcissistic person like you are describing me.

Also, I must say that this experience here on this forum actually served to show me that is useless to try and have a conversation with some people.

And finally, I’m being sincere when I tell you that I think that the advice I gave you is good. I myself have brooded bitter feelings for insignificant things on the past, and this is not good for your mental health. Is much healthier to just let it go.

And you can be as sarcastic as you want, and pretending like I’m writing this just to pretend to be a superior being with higher morals. I know what are my real intentions, I want you to understand that you should not act with disrespect with other people like you have being doing on this threads.

And for anyone else reading this, I promise that if I ever came back to this forums again, I will try to talk more about the game itself and let inner thoughts inside of me, as the game is what should be discussed on this forum.

I honestly think I learned what I should have learned for this experience, and I will not do the same mistake of discussing too much something with people that don’t want to discuss things, and just impose their opinions to others. I really just needed to vent out my frustration about what happened.