Here’s my altered Polynesian civ:
Infantry, Siege, and Naval Civilization
-Lumberjacks carry +10, fell trees in one strike.
-All units +(10/20/30)% Hit Points in Feudal/Castle/Imperial
-Infantry immune to bonus damage and armor reduction.
-Gillnets, Sappers, and Siege Engineers Free
-Siege units 15% faster.
Team Bonus: Ships +3 LOS
Unique Technologies:
Seafaring: Military ships can transport units, carry +10.
175 W 175 F
Haka: Infantry and Skirmishers +2 attack.
550 F 450 G
Unique Units:
Koa Warrior: Infantry with high hit points and attack, above average speed and attack rate, and low armor.
Koa Warrior Stats
HP:88 (with Polynesian HP bonus) Speed: 1.15 Attack: 14 Bonus: +2 vs. Eagles Armor: 0/4 Attack Rate 1.9 TT 12 Seconds
70F F 30 G
HP:117 Speed: 1.20 Attack: 16 Bonus: +2 vs. Eagles Armor: 0/6 Attack Rate 1.9
70F F 30 G
Wa’a Kaulua: Long range ship that fires stones, effective for coastal bombardment. Available after researching Chemistry.
Wa'a Kaulua Stats
HP:156 Speed: 1.3 Attack: 36 Range: 10 Bonus: +120 vs. Buildings: Attack Rate 6.9
120 W 120 G
Missing Techs: Gunpowder and Cavalry related units/techs, Blast Furnace, Plate Mail Armor, Chain Mail Armor, Ring Archer Armor, Fortified Wall, Treadmill Crane, Hoardings, Architecture, Arrowslits, Careening, Heavy Demo Ship, Fast Fire Ship.
Polynesians Description
The Polynesians are a closely related group of Oceanic peoples who settled on various islands in the Pacific, largely encompassed within the triangle of Rapa Nui, Hawaii, and New Zealand. While lacking some of the staples of other civilizations, such as metallurgy, the Polynesians showed themselves to be fierce, powerful warriors with an impressive mastery of battlefield tactics. They also developed highly advanced navigation techniques that allowed them to master the sea in a way that other civilizations would not for many hundreds of years. This likely allowed them to reach South America, as evidenced by several clues, such as similar words for the sweet potato “Kumar/Kumara,” a number of cultural similarities to the Mapuche, and recently, genetic evidence.
Polynesians’ Hit Point bonus makes all their units more robust in early-midgame, but this falls off in Imperial Age due to their missing many blacksmith technologies. However, their infantry are also immune to bonus damage of any kind, so they are not countered particularly well by anti-infantry specialists, such as Hand Cannoneers, Slingers, or Cataphracts.
Will attach a playable scenario file at some point.