Porting old .scn scenarios to .mythscn?

Anyone has dissected the new .mythscn files for custom scenarios ?
They seem close to the structure of old AoM & AoM:EE files but I haven’t seen any documentation if porting is supported or we’ll have to recreate maps from scratch, I’d like not to remake a Settlers map for the 27 maps in the last 20 years.

If anyone’s got a clear answer or doc I can read, much obliged !

Hi TheMCM,

Not sure how far anyone else has gotten, but I’ve only been able to parse out %30 of the file using the old binary interpreters. I spent ~8 hours trying to parse out the rest and gave up. Too many changes with the terrain & textures for my patience. I’ve since committed to remaking some of the original maps…

I already have a Greek Canyons map out that I’m pleased with, many of the folks that I’ve play tested with also approve.
[Greek Canyons Retold - Mods - Age of Empires]

I’m currently working on a settler’s map myself. It won’t be as true to form as the Greek Canyons map, but so far, it’s turning out well. I’m attempting to merge concepts from both settlers, and the original RivCiv map.

I have a feeling many folks will attempt to find a way to convert maps and come to the same concussion I did. Once I started remaking the Greek Canyons map I was almost happy I couldn’t figure it out, I reminded myself just how much fun it is to make maps.


I would image it’s not possible. They’ve completely rewritten the data files and renamed all the units, techs, language strings, etc. It’s a shame that old custom scenarios and mods won’t be compatible, but the upside is that the new way the files are written will make future mods much easier to make.

Perhaps the developers will add support for loading the older scenario formats in the editor? Maybe an official converter?

Okay, thanks all for the answers, guess I’ll redo some maps, shame for some of the oldest collections, will definitely check your map @Anhysbys :slight_smile:
Triggers shouldn’t be too much of a problem but it’s been a while for the map layouts, will lookup on some tutorials and try my best to recreate my favs.

Realized something while reading your comment. Since you can import XS scripts in the scenario editor now, it would be possible to grab all the XS code from the temp trigger file that gets generated when you play tested a map in DE. Not all of the triggers use the same syntax, but it wouldn’t be too bad to work though. For heavily triggered maps like RPGs with leveling systems, that might help quite a bit.

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I noticed there is an unfinished/broken version of “Close to Home” in the game’s files. It looks to me as if it was imported, but no further work was done to it. It’s missing a bunch of stuff on the map, and the triggers throw errors. Might be worth dissecting that one to see how it differs?

I imagine the devs have a way to import scenarios into Retold (I doubt they redid the campaign maps entirely from scratch). Whether that’s something they can ever release, I’m not so sure.

Personally I’d just like to be able to import the terrain heightmap. Everything else is easy enough to redo in the editor, but shaping terrain again is a pain IMO.

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There was maybe porting from EE/AoT first to De3 and then defined as a new scenario format. There is limited success when you try to port aoe3 to aom and vice a verse but you need to bleach the map of lot of the objects so the editor of both games can load the scenario. There were old wrappers and conversion tools on heavengames but they were very unreliable and could corrupt your scenario. I believe Aoe3 to De3 had the best success out of all the definitive editions for porting the old scenarios while de2 and retold won’t fare as great.

The triggers in the campaigns are more “documented” now while previously Ensemble was obviously rushing some scenarios and some were more refined and there were even unused triggers meaning it undergo more changes, the triggers now are cleaned and concise to only be relevant what’s happening on the scenario.

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