Portugal Rework: Suggestions

Portuguese cannot train cannoners probably for the same reason british cannot train Highlanders, French don’t get Fusillers, German cannot train Jaegers, Ottomans cannot train Mamelukes, etc… And that the unit only came out with the african civs… So nothing personal.

It would be nice though if every civ could get access to mercenary from its nation in taverns through mercenary contractors age up III politicians.
And Portugal might get a card with this unit soon.


Well, at least some civs get the mercenaries from their lands by homecity, but yeah, basically the thing is that they were added in African Royals.

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One can hope. I wonder how deep the changes will be.

I personally do not believe the devs will make Portugal interesting, or make the necessary changes.


To be honest I dont think a lot would be changed. If they give portugal a special ship, or atleast cards. Make the organ gun into a merc and fix the portuguese special tech Encomienda Manor what is spanish for the Cartaz system. Would be cool

Or like some colonial soldiers like the cipaio(sepoy) in Portuguese India. They was if I remember right more like a police force, but iam not sure about that

My grandfather was solidier in Portuguese India.

Rename the portuguese jinete and I am not sure if the Ordinance its the right thing.

Someone knows what difference the spanish Tercio and the Portuguese Terço ?

Sadly I dont know so much about the portuguese army.

If some errors would be changed that where wrong since the relase it would be cool.


That might be usefull found that in the Internet. Maybe someone with more knowledge can tell me if they are accurate.

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I want cannoneers for portugal.


Age 1 caravel. 90 second send time, trading eco for water dominance


Interesting take on it. I like it.

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There were a few differences due to the geographical areas where they fought.

I had a book about it, i will try to find the relevante info.


Thank you, very much :slight_smile: . I should check some books too in Lisboa. Even my portuguese is rusty as hell hahaha.

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Here is the name of an excelent study on Portuguese Military Organization in the 16th century for the most part.
You will need to brush up on your Portuguese tho.
It should be free online:


Obrigado, I will read it, when I have more freetime. :smiley:


No worries! Hopefully you will find good info there.

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Aftwr seeing the Malta Grand Master i hope this suggestion makes it for Portugal


A mention about Aventureiros on the book:

Late Medieval and Early Modern Fight Books