Portugal Rework: Suggestions

For a while now several suggestions for reworking Portugal were made, due to its somewhat historical innacuracy and bland design.
Since several Civs have now been touched upon, I will take this oportunity to bring up several suggestions already made, so that it might inspire the devs to make Portugal more flavourful.


É meu amigo talvez se Portugal fosse um país anglo-saxão, ele receberia atenção e correção necessárias.


Não tenho duvidas nenhumas…


Agree like the turkish, the spanish it needs to change.


We’re getting tweaks via a few new cards, not full-on reworks.


For example i consider turning longbows into rangers via card more than a tweak. Same as the battleship.
Its pretty big additions instead of this card send you an extra cow.
Anyway the links provided inclued a lot of different suggestions, from tweaks, to light reworks.


Aw. I had more drastic changes in mind like changing the royal guard unit to the halberdier instead of the dragoon, getting rid of the organ gun, etc. Stuff like that I can’t see happening as it would disrupt the meta too much. I’ve read those threads and there are some great ideas.

But who knows, the beauty of cards is they can be really creative and they’re all optional. I’m just glad Euro civs are getting updated. It’s gonna take quite a while since it’s only one civ per month so patience is required. We’re still early in the process.


Please do share! Im always interested in new ideas.
Edit: Jonoli had a few good changes:


I think getting rid of organ guns and RG dragoons is a good idea. It’s outrageously inaccurate so meta be damned.


Im all for giving the Portugese some love, but you’d do well to remain realistic. They might get a card to enable falconets but theyre not gonna outright remove them from the civ. Look at what the British got and move from there. A few new cards and some tweaks to old cards is what I’d expect from coming reworks.


Meu amigo, se me permite posso tirar uma dúvida: Ouvi dias atrás que as naus portuguesas estariam mais para galeões do que caravelas, isso é verdade? Se for ta aí mais uma idéia, um navio único português, afinal de contas no jogo a marinha portuguesa praticamente não tem nada de especial comparada à espanhola e claro à britanica.


As Nau, e apenas um nome para navios de grande porte, nao um barco especifico.

Um navio diferente para Portugal seria uma Carrack em vez da Caravela, visto que a caravela nao e exclusivamente Portuguesa, mas no entanto os Ducth tem o Flyut.

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I agree. They are nonsense.

I see where you are coming from but Portugal is in a dire need of change.

Imagine having the Japanese with a turtle ship instead of Samurai.

Or every faction has samurais, like almost everyone has caravels, which is THE portuguese unit.

Its fustrating to boot up the game and play with Mediterranean British.

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Portugal needs cannoneers


What is the history of Aventureiros? Because I fear that they are brought here because total war medieval 2 had the “aventuros” (they had the name badly writting).

The aventureiros were mercenaries? Or they are just the portuguese “conquistadores”?

Changing the organ gun, the royal guards and so, although not very historical accurate would change too much their gameplay.

Mercenaries and revolution options could more easily be changed.


Aventureiros were an elite battalion within the Portuguese Terços.


I see, Aventureiros were a terço based on nobleman only. From AoE III, pikes and haldberdiers aren’t very used so I won’t ask for a excessive focus on them in behalf others portuguese features.

Ofc some kind of shipment with a mention to them would be cool, like the recent Reconquista card added to Spanish, but I won’t make them the core of the civ (also because it clash with Spanish and Sweden design)


Besides the well know Terco of the Adventurers you also have, as i posted before:

They colloquially are conquistadors, but since its a conotation atributed to the Spanish, the community took to call them Adventurers, since they were joining the armadas for fame and gold, some even served as mercenaries across africa, and asia.


I don’t understand how Spain and Portugal don’t have access to this unit…