Portuguese Balance Discussion

Well, this is a buff terrain if they want to

Could be, but even if changed it would be minor. I think it would be more economical to just change fire rate or other stats that don’t need an engine coding change.

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I think a reasonnable balance for them could be a better water/land ratio, like Italians.

Atm they’re easily top 3 pure water civ, maybe even the best. In castle age they have the gold discount, 10% more resistance, faster upgrades, the possibility to make caravels and to have an extra +1/+1. Their lack of eco bonus might put them behind others like Vikings, but overall they’re still very solid with at least 2 more bonus than any other civ.

As they have already the most resilient navy in the game with the 10% more HP, it won’t hurt them to change the Carraks UT (+1/+1) into something else like a small buff for archery or cavalry.