I think after playing with the most recent patch that the genericness of the Ports was actually enjoyable. Really surprised me. But being able to choose between Knights & Crossbows to counter my opponents weak point was somewhat fun. That might be a good reason to choose a buff which doesn’t differentiate between knights & archers.
They do really need a power unit in the late game though. Lacking Paladin, Siege Onager, Siege Ram, Squires… I feel like a powerful UU could fill that hole, but Organ Guns just don’t cut it. It just doesn’t feel fun when my whole army is out-matched in Imp.
I would be in favour of giving Ports Squires, and to preserve variety take Squires away from some other civs with good halbediers or FU champs. I know it would hurt that other civ & its fans, but sacrifices must be made. (For the same reason take away Supplies from Teutons.)
Maybe the UT could increase the accuracy or range or gunpowder (or only HC) and then HC could become the power unit Ports need. (I know Turks & Indians already get extra range gunpowder. Turks get +2 on a small number of units, and the Indian bonus could be stolen or overshadowed. Ports need it more.)