The possibility to generate random maps using CLI
Before you click away out of disinterest, understand that this opens a lot of options for map makers and also scripters. With this feature, the power of triggers and scenario’s in general will be combined with the element of randomness.
So what does that mean?
Random maps are, like the name says, randomly generated maps. This is, as you all know, the core of Age of Empires.
Now on the other hand, there are scenarios. Static maps that can have triggers and diplo settings that result in new possibilities. Creating new gamemodes, minigames and other amazing creations.
How does this feature change this?
Well, it’s not perfect. BUT, it’s relatively simple. If there is a way to generate these random maps using command line, we can add triggers to them using other tools (Example: AoE2ScenarioParser) - I’ll have to add that I made that parser so there is some bias here). But the point is, when combining these tools, the possibility for randomly generated minigames and other scenarios opens up.
Example of it’s possibilities
In the HD (2013) version I made a map about defending a monument against an AI. This map was a scenario. It had a lot of triggers. It was quite fun but the map was static. A big thing I’d have loved to add was a random map. So the monument in the center, players close around it and the rest of the map different each time. This would have increased the replayability by… Well… A LOT.
Another option is KOTH + Regicide! This was an option in Voobly, but cannot be played in DE. It’s possible to recreate both of these gamemodes with triggers but then you have the same problem. The map would always be the same. It would be amazing if the map would be random together with the KOTH + Regicide! This feature would make this and a lot of other cool stuff possible.
How can you help?
If you like the sound of all what is mentioned above, like this and maybe share it to give it even more attention! If you have any questions, remarks or anything else, please feel free to post it below!
How would it work? (Technically)
I’ve talked about this subject with many technical people in the community before. And this has also been discussed with one of the developers of the game. (No mention untill approved by said person).
It’d be command line based. It’d have arguments like:
- rms_file=“file_path_to_rms”
- map_size=“small/normal/giant etc.”
- player_count=1-8
- gamemode=“regicide etc.”
And more that could influence the map generation. (Might add more to the list later)
The output could be almost anything. I’m not sure how the game communicates it at the moment, but anything from JSON
to any custom structure would work. We’ll work with it
Even better (AMAZING) alternative
An even better solution would be the option to integrate rms scripts into a scenario. I’d expect it to look something like:
Or the possibility to select a file would work too. But you get the point.
This would change the way scenario’s are loaded and probably generated as scenarios do not have a seed etc. But obviously this would be the ultimate goal. So, eventually I hope this could be a feature. Until that time, command line generation of random map scripts would be amazing to have!