Possible Act III Civ tweaks for Latin American Revolutionary Civs

Hi guys,

I’ve just replayed the AOE3 campaigns & I’m wondering if it’s possible to change 2 factions civs in 2 missions:

  1. Hold the Fort: Should the enemy faction be changed to Mexico for a Mexicans faction? I also wonder if the enemy faction should be changed to Green from Red.

  2. Bolívar’s Revolt: Would it be possible to change Bolívar’s faction to Gran Colombia as a revolutionary civ from what it is currently as Spanish? Particularly when the buildings you take over with Amelia Black become the U.S. Revolutionary civ.

It is worth noting that the Inca buildings of the last Act 3 mission all have the Inca civ flag.


If you look closely, Bolivar’s rebel army is already counted as Peruvians if you click on a unit and examine which player it belongs to. AI allies are not given a visible score, so you can’t tell that way. The wiki is out-dated.

No idea why the flags on Bolivar’s buildings don’t already reflect that.

And also, the Aztec settlement should be changed for a Quechua one

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I’ve been asking them to update the original campaigns using new civs/units/mechanics for years. T_T


I’m wondering too, since a special and cool skin arrived for British redcoats, why not change all the ennemy soldiers into redcoats for the campaign of nathaniel ?

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