Possible nerf for Britons: removing +1 range for Britons from Castle Age (In imperial they still get +1)

That’s what all players do. Yeah, if you have perfect micro and macro, britons would be op. That’s true.
But noone has, that’s why they’re not.


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First, Elite Longbowmen get 6+6 range. Castles get 8+3 range. They outrange them. Chemistry merely gives +1 attack and enables gunpowder units and bombard tower - Stuff that Britons mostly lack… and all civilizations get Chemistry.

Siege engineers does help their Onagers… but they have lacklustre siege anyway. So, no big deal. The Britons do not need a nerf.

I don’t think anybody considers the Britons OP. This is largely how they have always been. They have only been receiving buffs from the Forgotten Empires expansion onwards like Cannon Galleons, Heavy Scorpion and a wild card War Wolf tech to help snipe units at long range.

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Britons are either too strong when they can take full use of their range without ever getting much of return damage.

Or Britons are too weak, when there range doesn’t help at all on open battlefields with big armies where they get charged.

Suggestion: change yeomen UT from 1 range to 1 damage. This lower the maximum range of longbows to 11 same as castles, less than bombard cannons, and that of arbs to 10. At the same time their dps is greatly helped.

The UT comes in late most of the time, the free range won’t be changed. Lategame more damage is more valuable I imagine.

In total a nerf in low elo games Situation where the range can be frustrating, but overall the damage buff might be a good tradeoff.

Korean onagers used to outrage castles in aoc 1.0, surely changing longbows to lose 1 range and not out range castles can be done too.

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I do think this is a good suggestion, but I also think it is a buff in the grant scheme of things. (And that it is not desirable to make Britons stronger.) As compensation the Imp range bonus could be removed and the longbows could receive +2 range -1 damage (so that their FU stats are unchanged).