Potential Roman Civ Addition Poll and Discussion

More the merrier as italy wasnt a unified people or country at that time.


Rome as in WRE, I see no point. It would be a weaker version of the Byzantines (ERE) (weaker eco, weaker military, different UU).

Renaming the Byzantines to Romans, from my side yes, for those not well familiarized with roman/“byzantine” history, could be a bit difficult. Also change some words from latin to greek would be a nice touch.

Rome as in “the Papacy”. I would like that one. (that is the way Rome did return to power). It also fits perfectly with the time frame.

+1 to this, but then again the leaked castle looks nothing medieval so we are getting a discounted Byzantines.

Super discounted spearman, skirmisher and Imperial Age. Let’s go. 11


That’s fine but you can’t have a civ for each county or street in Italy. There’s enough civs to represent a region.

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Venice was pretty much independent throughout its medieval history and papacy could be represented by this up coming roman civ.
I do agree that we dont need every italian city state but we already got a naples aka sicilians faction so having more is not really an issue.


It isnt an issue but theres regions that could use some civs instead of a civ representing the pope and an italian clone. We would have more Italian than Indian civs too

Also at that point we will prob need an italian only building set which just sounds ridiculous lol


What we need is a Balkan building set.

How? Italian we have 2 civis and Indians 4 currently, ideally dravindans should not be one civi either.


I don’t care if the Romans represent the Papal States, but I really don’t want to see the introduction of the Romans as an excuse to split the Italians. Are we going to repeat again those solid arguments against the Italians split, what are just like the ones against the Teutons split?

As a civ significantly having bond with AoE1, the Romans come for presenting the beginning of the AoE2 timeline in the game better and for promoting the AoE1 contents, not for more Italians or more Europeans nor for how different the dev think they are from the Byzantines.

We don’t even know many details about this civ’s tech tree yet, so calling them discounted Byzantines is premature. Perhaps they will have very different strategies and gameplay than the Byzantines.


Every new Architecture Set is a good news.

Mediterranean Architecture Set splitting into Balkan, Iberian and Apennine is nice option for AoE 2.

Romans, Venetians, Italians proper and Sicilians (not sure if the Pope would get its own civ either)

I dont mind another roman Civ, but i see it mostly as a tool for Modding / custom campaign stuff. But what about the others? in the art we see Romans, egyptians and Babylonians. What about Greeks or Macedonians?

Phalanx special unit, like a slow ass super armored Teutonic Knight with double range and arrow resistance?
Scythe chariots for Egyptians with Trample damage ?
Cant wait to see what comes out.

Does being Independent make them different enough to warrant different UU, techtree and UT?

Unrelated to this comment but I find odd using the WRE to represent Papal States, given that they were unrelated to each other. It’s like if in Age 3, Aztecs represented both Aztecs and Mexicans

Yeah but tbh its better to have the least Roman civs possible

Byzantines are enough to cover Romans in Age 2.

Regarding campaigns, you can still change the name of the civ from Byzantines to Romans, as I did in a couple of scenarios which I always shameless self promote: Roman VS Huns


Yes.We were using franks for both normans and burgundy till recently and look how things are now.

On aoe3 that game has strange civilizations with aztecs mexicans and spanish,cant really compare both games now.

I’ve mixed feelings XD.
I do like the idea to add Rome, so we can play as Goths, Huns & Celts attacking Rome per se, with unique units relevant to Western Rome. Byzantines I associate more to their struggle against Arabs and Turks.
I don’t like the idea to add Ancient Egyptians, Babylonians, Greeks, & any other civilization.
Still, I would prefer a different set of civs, even if Rome can be included as a plus.


I would be ok with Romans if they add in the same time Armenians and Georgians. The campaigns would be about the first Christian States.

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Celts didn’t attack Rome since way before Julius Cesar. In the scenario editor you can give centurions and legionaries to the Byzantines and enable Blast Furnace and Heavy Scorpions

Irish and Picts were Celtic people who attacked Roman Britain