Power of the Gods Achievement not Unlocking

  • Game Version: Latest As of 3/2/2025

  • Build Number: Latest As of 3/2/2025

  • Platform: Microsoft Store

  • Operating System: Windows 11

Issue: Power of the Gods achievement is not unlocking despite meeting the criteria.

(please provide a detailed description of the issue)
(use the upload button image to include a picture or video of the issue in action if possible)

Trigger Event: Using bolt on the manticore in the tutorial does not unlock the Power of the Gods achievement.

(what was happening at the time of the performance/stability issue)
(this could be an action you or another player took right before the issue started)

Repro Steps: Create a new account and play the tutorial on a freshly downloaded file.

  1. (List the steps needed to reproduce the issue)
  2. (Indicate if you were able to reproduce this, to help us identify frequency of the issue)
  3. (etc)
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