Priest AI and UI improvements

After another round of playing RoR in anticipation of DE, I’ve got two ideas about the priest.

Why doesn’t he heal automatically any friendly units nearby? He CAN do that, but only once is ordered to heal a unit first - then he moves to heal all damaged units. I’d like to have this by default.

And secondly, a conversion progress bar would be a great tactical help when countering priests, especially groups of them.

Conversions are a chance thing, so you can’t really have a progress bar. Sometimes a unit takes 12s or sometimes 1s.

Wait, what? What would be the point of having conversion resistance then?

I hope they bring these AI improvements to the game units.

@mlascosmoerel said:
Wait, what? What would be the point of having conversion resistance then?

I’m not sure, but maybe it will lower the likelihood of conversion.

Something like this, however we don’t have a 5s delay in AoE 1 that I know of. Using more priests vs a conversion resistant unit will convert it faster, but it will still take longer than normal units due to the resistance. (See how in AoE2 the scouts take longer/less chance/more monks required to make it change faster)

Could be. Thanks for pointing this out to me, seems that 20 years wasn’t enough for me to notice that :smiley: or I just didn’t care that much about them Priests.

Anyway, I’m still willing to see AI fixes to automatic healing .

@mlascosmoerel said:
Could be. Thanks for pointing this out to me, seems that 20 years wasn’t enough for me to notice that :smiley:
or_ I just didn’t care that much about them Priests._

What blasphemy is this?! You must atone for your sins! Confess!

You got Wololo-ed :lol:

Lol :smiley: I’d be blue from being owned but I wait! I’m red now.

Clearly he is a Macedonian :wink:

@Penelinfi said:
How Monks Really Work – Age of Kings Heaven

Something like this, however we don’t have a 5s delay in AoE 1 that I know of. Using more priests vs a conversion resistant unit will convert it faster, but it will still take longer than normal units due to the resistance. (See how in AoE2 the scouts take longer/less chance/more monks required to make it change faster)

Good article, thanks! Well in this case we could have a conversion probability indicator. Agree with AoE II-like auto healing suggestion.