the cheaters in this game are serious problem. I played yesterday [ Empire Wars ] against person that used cheat engine that destroy every unit and building on beging on the match. I decided to react as fast as possible and reported him directly via email to Age of Empires support. And instead a cheater, my account got suspended for 318 hours.
I already reported the problem and there is no way I got banned for dodging games, smurfing or rude behavior since I never did that. I really have no words, I just launched the game cause free time to have some fun and can’t enjoy it.
Did anyone got banned here without reason too or the story similiar happend ?
edit: Also if anyone is curious how cheaters work, here is my recorded game: MP Replay v101.101.54684.0 @2021.11.11 190313 (1).aoe2record (196.8 KB)
Next time I won’t report any cheater ever, rather lost 1 game than lost ability to play aoe2.
Yes, indeed. I really love the game and since I am studying now, when I have free time I really enjoy playing 1v1 Empire Wars. I hope it is just a mistake too.
I think, pinging devs won’t work. As I said in my post, I directly emailed aoe support - I got reply to send more informations and I provided recorded game, date of the match and screenshot of his profile… and they banned me.
And this excatly what I was thinking about. I got suspended for around 320 hours, so probably cheater is banned for few days too ? I hope he is gone forever, but still like You said he can create another account for free.