Proposing Mongol nerf

Are you crazy? It’s impossible to defend tower rush. You can survive but you are always behind. And it’s not like their follow up are even stronger.

Tbh at this point i don’t know if you just troll, mongole have the hightest pickrate overall, the highest winrate (even at 800 elo, which mean that the civ is NOT hard to play).

Everything you said is basicly wrong based on statistics (and even more wrong based on players opinion where there are a large consensus arround the fact than mongole are broken as hell).


You just have to scout the Mongols and kill vills to take vills number advantage at the start of the game.
I have countered the Mongol tower rush many times. All you have to do is to train 1 more scout and use animation canceling and scout well.
See you don’t know what is animation canceling.
I can kill 3 scouts with 1 scout while also managing my economy.
This is considered a good player skill that is required.
If you just boom and don’t look after your surroundings, ofcrse ur enemy will take advantage of that!

I don’t think they intended animation cancelling as a mechanic but enjoy it while you can.

if animation canceling solves all the issues fighting early Mongol aggression. Then it prolly is a very low-level game. XD

If knowing an animation canceling is a thing to brag, then yeah, it must be the Dunning-Kruger effect. Everyone knows this since the first day they played as they have to deny rus hunting bounty, or trying to deny an enemy’s dock.


The top 10% of players do it.
90% forget about it.

What a statement! Not everyone! And even they know about it, they get distracted and their economy slows during the animation canceling period. Doing multiple things in a blink of an eye creates the difference between casuals and good players.

It’s not that fact that it can be countered. It’s the fact the the effort required to do a tower rush with mongols is vastly less than the effort required to stop it.


Also, why do mongols get a unit like the khan anyway that respawns. You might as well give england, france etc their own king/queen that spawns at the start of the match with unique abilities that respawns everytime it dies if you’re gonna give mongols the historic leader of their empire as a unit.

Really you must coach the entire top 100 because your knowledge is greater than all of them.

Tell me how am i suppose to kill one villager surrounded by 2 pik plus the khan? because the tower rush is not to send 1 vill alone at min 1.

It’s meant to reflect them being men of action who took no cowpats and went in the field leading their men bravely and trampling over weaker civilisations. Meanwhile the other civ leaders would be holed up in their castles away from the front lines afraid of getting a paper cut. You really want hereditary King/Queen #6867 on the battlefield whimpering and demotivating their men? They would be like a wet flannel bending at the slightest breeze on the mighty steppe. War is for warriors not for weak bureaucrats. Think before you type.

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That’s not true at all. Just speaking about English monarchs there’s William the Conquerer, Richard the Lionheart, Edward III, Edward the Black Prince, Henry V and so many others that fought in battle but those are probably the most known/popular. The last English monarch to actually die in battle was Richard III in 1485 so the whole “holed up in their castles far away” is false. They had to fight in battle to inspire/motivate their men and their presence was so important that when a leader like a king was wounded or killed it would cause the army to route in many instances. Just for a quick example at the Battle of Hastings once Harold Godwinson died the majority of the Anglo-Saxons started to flee and only Harold’s elite guard stayed to fight till the end. Maybe you should think before you type.


This is very true I’m just biased/it would be silly if every civ had a hero unit. Harold had such a cool model in the Hastings campaign intro it’s a shame you never got to control any Anglo Saxon warriors.

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Ghengis Khan is considerably more legendary than most leaders, not all, but most, and it’s probably why they chose to add him for Mongols and not others for this game, also because he wouldn’t just be a reskinned knight, but a mangudai.

I don’t think it would be that silly if every civ had a “leader” like the Khan with their own look/unique abilities. You’ve got a similar thing in AOE3 where every civ starts of with their own, unique explorer. Khan for mongols is just the icing on the cake that makes them better than every other civ atm. Can kill your sheep while scouting, boost units up, harass villagers in dark age without risk of being attacked due to long range, doesn’t punish misplays as it just respawns again. I like mongols as a civ due to unique things like the Khan and ovoo but it’s these things that add to them being overturned atm. Of course it’s extremely unlikely other civs will get a “leader” type unit so to balance this the Khan should take longer to respawn - maybe something like 8 minutes or when the khan dies it costs resources to produce again and the resource cost scales with every age as the khan gets stronger every age.

  1. a I think it should be like 70%/100%/100%/100%. The stone income isn’t that great. It seems overwhelming because it is usually one of the first buildings built. It accumulates lots of stone until you build your first production building. That’s roughly 200~400 stone depending on what you’re building. That is about an extra 5 units per at that point and an extra unit per minute. By age 3 comes, siege is stronger and deals more damage and is better vs. stone walls. By then stone is mostly used for some upgrades or soliders. It’s not really used for siege because it’s just too expensive by then. There’s not need to add extra stone income by age 4 because Mongols can finally obtain more stone from White Stuppa or by trade.

b Pastures are more expensive than farms. Plus there aren’t many defensive options for Mongols. I think it’s fair.

  1. They deal 4 damage early game. They are at most annoying than deadly. If you lose a vill to a Khan, then you’re just not paying attention or you have alone stranded vill. They deal less damage than a scout. Plus there’s no animation canceling.

I’m low elo, 1050, so maybe my strategy against Mongol tower rush works because other side isn’t skilled enough. I usually play French, so I have good eco bonuses from start. I put extra vils on wood line from beginning cause I need extra wood. That’s delay my age up but I can’t do differently.
I try to spot with my scout when first spears come or vill. They sure go for my gold mine. I made a tower in front of gold mine with 5 vils, and start microing them from tower, mining and build school of chivalry as soon is possible. Focus fire with tower on their low health pike. If a my vill is almost dead I pull back and change it with another with full health in food line or wood. In less then 7 min I aged up, start build archers and in less then 10 minutes they normally leave the game.
Can happen they are going to build a tower in other key location, call immediately 6-7 vills and built another tower for defend your resources.
It’s all about microing vills, towering and focus on resources for age up, and built asap your landmark. I’m good enough to do it effectively
In the last 3 matches against Mongol I always win with this Def strat

Pasture (150 gold) is 65% more cost effective than farm (75 gold). It costs double, but 3.3 villagers can harvest per pasture smoothly, while only a single villager for each farm. Only after full food gathering rate upgrades in the late imperial, the cost effective is gone down to almost the same. But you can start building it early to stockpile the sheeps.
Also pasture allow you to have villagers gathering food next by TC safely unlike farm where you have to get vills more exposed.

For the Khan, it should cost 50 gold/wood/stone/food for the respawn (the cost is double by each age), and can only be train 30-40 sec from TC.

Don’t worry, Relic leaders will “instruct” devs to nerf Delhi and Abbasid, everything will be ok.


Maybe remove the Khan.

Mongols are my main civ, but in the past few weeks, I stopped playing them as often as before because they are completely broken. Mongols are the easiest civ in the game that’s why they are boring.

you don’t have to build houses and walls (thats why i like them)
resource drop points can be moved, so I don’t have to build a lot from them.
Trade is insanse.
Double unit production

Actually, every aspect of Mongols is broken atm. I hope they will balance them soon, but until that i don’t play with them. Then i can have more fun. Ofc if i don’t have to play against rus horse archers.